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Robbins, Sarah vs. James Dunkin 1809

Robins, Sally vs. James Dunkin

Description: The file contains twenty five documents related to the suit Sara Robins brought against James Dunkin for a horse she purchased from him and then died two months later. During the July Term 1808, General W. Johnston, filed a complaint against James Dunkin for Sarah Robbins. It stated that in November 1807, James Dunkin, in custody, sold a horse to Sarah Robbins for consideration of a yoke of oxen, colt and paying twenty dollars. Covenanting and agreeing that the horse was sound and well and valued at $80.00. The Complaint stated that James Dunkin new the horse was not well. Sarah took care of the horse and the horse died two months later. She was asking damages of $100.00. On the verso side of the Complaint, Sarah Robbins put in her place Gen. W. Johnston as her attorney in the suit. Also on the verso side, the Defendant responded they he did not promise and assume in the manner and form as the Plaintiff complaint and put himself upon the country. J. Jo, atty. On May 30, 1808 a Summons was issued for the sheriff to take James Dunkin to ensure he would be in court to answer to Sarah Robbins in a Pleas of Trespass and damages of $100. The Summons was issued by R [Robert] Buntin, Clerk, CPKC and executed by James Hays, D. Sheriff. The tax was paid and $1.49 court costs were added for serving the Summons. November 28, 1808 John McKee, John Boyles and Rachel Dunkin were Subpoenaed to be in court the last Monday of November to testify on behalf of James Dunkin. The Subpoena was issued by Buntin and executed by P. [Parmenas] Beckes, Sheriff. He stated executed on two of the witnesses and not time serve the other. Joshua Dunkin and Robert Foulger were also Subpoenaed on November 28, 1808 to testify for James Dunkin. P Beckes wrote no est (not found) on the verso side of the Subpoena. January 12, 1809, William Hogue, John Foulger and Cassander Robbins were Subpoenaed on on behalf of Sarah Robbins while Joshua Dunkin, Robert Foulger, John McKee, John Boyles and Rachel Dunkin were Subpoenaed to appear for James Dunkin. February 14, 1809 Mathew Bass, Senior was Subpoenaed to appear for Sarah Robbins. A Dedimus was issued on July 5, 1809 to have Robert Foulger give a deposition on behalf of James Dunkin. James Dunkin wrote a letter to General W. Johnston, stating he was going to take a deposition of Robert Foulger and James Foulger on Wednesday next. In the Deposition by Robert Foulger, the stated he knew the horse and it was in good health. This was sworn before Will Jones and E [Elihu] Stout justices of the peace. John McKee stated in open court that he also knew the horse and it was in good health. July 27, 1809 Foulger, Sen; John McKee, Miss Dunkin, Enoch Davis, Charles A. Boyles and William Boyles were Subpoenaed to appear for James Dunkin on the last Monday of July 1809. Subpoenas were issued for William Hogue, Etheldred Bass and Mathew Bass to give evidence on behalf of Sarah Robbins during the August Term 1809. Levi Landers was Subpoenaed to appear for James Dunkin in the August Term. During the November Term 1809, Enoch Davis, Charles Boyles, William Boyles, Levi Landers, John Boyles, and Rachel Dunkin were Subpoenaed for James Dunkin. Parker Idlet, Etheldred Bass, Mathew Bass, Jacob Teverbaugh, Cassander Robbins, William Hogue and John Foulger were Subpoenaed for Sarah Robbins. By December 8, 1809 it was agreed to go to arbitration by Toussaint Dubois and Abraham F. Snapp. The above witness were called to appear at the house of Abraham Fry Snapp on December 8, 1809 to testify. The Arbitrators found for the Plaintiff for thirty dollars to be paid by the Defendant in merchantable beef, pork or flour at two dollars and fifty cents per hundred or twenty dollars in cash, at the pleasure of the Defendant to be paid on the 8th day of February next. The Plaintiff should also pay all related court costs or fees. The Minute Book of the Knox County Court of Common Pleas 1807-1810, pages 150, 176, 210, 218, and 233 documents the suit. Dedimuses were sent to Clark and Montgomery Counties in Kentucky.
Origin: 2018-06--07
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Decker, Luke; Johnson, James; Leech, George;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Arbitrators -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Depositions -- Kentucky
Horses -- Indiana Territory
Judgments -- Indiana Territory
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.