Collection Order

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Isabell M. Kurtz vs William Burtch, admin. and Eunice B. Kurtz heir of John K. Kurtz deceased 1842

Description: The file contains the documentation of Isabell M. Kurtzs suit to receive her dower from the Estate of John K. Kurtz in 1842. Included in the file is the court transcript that records the proof of publication, the petition for the request of dower, the report of the guardian ad. litem for the minor child, Eunice Kurtz, the description of the real estate, the appointment of Commissioners, the newspaper notice of the Western Sun, and the Commissions Report for the dower. The court transcript signed by Clerk W.R. McCord and Justice Martin Robinson, states that Isabell Kurtz has publicized her petition for dower from the estate of John K. Kurtz and that Eunice B. Kurtz is a minor child. The guardian ad. litem has been appointed and has given a report. The real estate of John Kurtz was described as follows: All that tract of land situated in the Vincennes commons, number forty-two, containing five acres. All that part or half lot situated in Vincennes, known as the east half lot of Number forty-three, purchased from H.M. Shaw, where the deceased resided at the time of his death. Also 21 feet of lot number fifteen, on Water Street, purchased of Robert Buntin, Jr., adjoining the property of I.N. Whittelsey, whereon is situated a frame house. Also one undivided third part of 71 1/2 feet on Water Street, being part of lot number fifteen, and running back to the River Wabash, purchased by A. LeRoy, Joseph Somes and the deceased, at the sale of Robert Buntin, Jr. Also that lot situated on Market Street, being twenty-four feet on Market Street, running back fifty feet, purchased of Samuel Thorn, and being part of lot number eighty-three. The transcript also included the appointment and swearing in of Samuel Wise, John Moore and Robert Carnan as Commissioners. They were to give a report at the next term. Included in the file is the Western Sun publication of the dower petition with the deposition of Elihu Stout, that the notice ran for four weeks. The deposition was signed before Jonathan Collins, Justice of the Peace a cost of $4.00 was charged for the publication. W.R. McCord was appointed guardian ad. litem for the minor child, Eunice B. Kurtz. He stated in two reports that he knew nothing of the matter and requested the court protect the rights of the child. The report was signed before John H. Harrison. The Commissioners Report assigned and set off to Isabell Kurtz the following: All that part of half lot, situated in Vincennes known as East half of Lot Number forty-three, purchased of Henry M. Shaw and whereon the deceased resided at the time of his death, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting in part of a two-story brick dwelling, kitchen and smoke house. Signed on August 11, 1842 by Samuel Wise, John Moore, and Robert Carnan.
Origin: 2017-02-08
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Probate courts -- Indiana Territory
Probate records -- Indiana Territory
Real Property -- Indiana Territory
Widows -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.