John Lunion vs Louis Generoux, James Lunion, Mary Ann Lunion, and August Lunion 1842

Description: The file contains the documentation of John Lunions petition to partition the real estate of Louis Lunions Estate. Included in the file is the petition, the description of the real estate, the guardian ad. litems report for minor children, James, Mary Ann and August Lunion, the commissioners report on the sale, and two notices from the Vincennes Western Sun newspaper. Also included in the file are two notices from the Vincennes Western Sun. One notice advertises the partition and Elihu Stout, states in a deposition, that the notice ran for six weeks at a cost of $5.25. The deposition was taken before Jonathan Collins, Justice. The second notice advertises the commissioners sale of Real Estate. In a deposition before Martin Robinson, Elihu Stout swears the ad ran for five weeks in the Western Sun at a cost of $5.00.
Origin: 2017-02-08
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Indiana Territory
Probate courts -- Indiana Territory
Probate records -- Indiana Territory
Real Property -- Indiana Territory
Real property -- Purchasing -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.