Collection Order

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John Cunningham vs John Roderick, administrator of Peter Chambers

Description: A statement of John Roderick dated April 27, 1841 stating that on April 30, 1841 the deposition of Daniel Stahl would be taken in front of Samuel Hill, J. P. The deposition was to be used in evidence in the suit pending in Probate Court where John Cunningham is the plaintiff and John Roderick the defendant. A deposition of Daniel Stahl was taken and he was sworn in and asked questions on how often medicine was administered, on medical visits and on nursing care. The deposition was taken in front of Samuel Hill, J. P. The clerk is ordered to issue subpoenas for James S. Edmonds and Margaret Jones on April 28, 1841 by John Roderick. Samuel Judah, attorney for the plaintiff, asks that subpoenas be issued for Daniel Stahl and Charles Leckman. The subpoenas were issued April 15, 1841 without bail and $200 in damages where also asked for. A summons was issued on April 15, 1841 for Daniel Stahl and Charles Leckman to give evidence on behalf of John Cunningham. The cost of execution and other costs were $1.57. A summons was issued for James T. Edwards and Margaret Jones to give evidence on behalf of John Roderick. The cost of court was $2.29. A subpoena was issued for Margaret Jones for May 4, 1841 to give evidence on behalf of John Cunningham, Administrator of John Roderick, with the cost of $1.20 included by Sheriff Abraham Smith. A summons was issued for Henry D. Wheeler to give evidence on behalf of John Roderick on May 10, 1841. A summons is issued for John Roderick to appear in Probate Court and to answer unto John Cunningham on $114 that he owes to John Cunningham with $200 damages. The document was filed May 15, 1841 with the cost of $1.32. An $114 account that Dr. John Cunningham had against John Roderick, Administrator in the estate of Peter Chambers is filed. The bill is for riding to Vincennes for Dr. Stahl, medicine, $2 per trip for attending deceased during his 22 days of illness, 11 days of that was at $3 per day and 11 for $5 a day for 24 hrs of attendance of self and family, washing, nursing, and administering medicine every 2 hours. Also for the additional expense of furnishing and accommodating friends during his illness. Plus 2 days and nights for the time of demise and internment. A complaint by John Cunningham is filed May 1841 against John Roderick for damages of $200 for nonpayment of medical services of October 1, 1839. A response to complaint is filed by Attorney, A. T. Elllis for the defendant. He states he has fully administered the estate of Peter Chambers and that Peter Chambers did not agree to the complaints filed by John Cunningham. S. C. Jones is asking $1 for his fees in the case of John Cunningham vs John Roderick. The jurors find for plaintiff for $30. A. G. Roberts was foreman.
Origin: 2017-01-30
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Damages -- Indiana Territory
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Jurors -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Medical care, Cost of -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Verdicts -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.