Collection Order

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John Stillwell vs John Ramsey administrator of Aquilla Ramsey, deceased

Description: A plea before Henry Vanderburgh, Justice of the Peace of the Indiana Territory, General Court on April 4, 1809 is entered. The defendant Aquilla Ramsey confesses to judgement and debt of $100 with interest from September 4, 1807 till paid within the 2 years. The judgement decree dated February 26, 1823 is heard before the court. The decree states that defendant pay $100 plus cost plus charges on the suit. On February 1819 a Scire Facias is issued by the plaintiff by his attorney Doty, who appears and dismisses the suit therefore the defendant is to recover from the plaintiff his cost and charges in his defense against the plaintiff. A. D. Scott files a true copy of the records of court on March 27, 1833. A fee bill for $10.74 is filed by H. Hurst, Clerk. The bill includes fees for filing, docket, attorney records, and appearances in court. An affidavit from Moses Bedell, who states that in 1819 or 1820 that Aquilla Ramsey did give him $80 in notes on different banks to pay to John Stillwell for money owed. The affidavit is signed April 5, 1833 and sworn before James H. Beall, Justice of the Peace of Wabash County, Illinois on April 12, 1833. An account dated April 11, 1809 to September 1820 listing the amount of $100 judgement plus interest till paid and the cost of the suit and transcript of $12.60 with a 1820 notation from Moses Bedell of $.80 plus cost of $12.60 from April 1809-August 1833 is filed . A summons to Knox County Sheriff to take to court John Ramsey, administrator of Aquilla Ramsey to be brought to Chancery Court, 2nd Monday in August, to answer to a bill brought against him by John Stillwell. He is to answer to a debt of $112.60 plus interest of 6% demanded from September 24, 1807 plus damages from April 11, 1809 until paid. On April 11, 1809 John Stillwell did recover $100 with interest. A notation states that judgement was not reversed or satisfied and plaintiff demands payment and damages of $500. The complaint is signed by Johnston, pro querente for the plaintiff and filed May 20, 1833. The subpoena was issued June 13, 1833.
Origin: 2017-01-12
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County); Indiana Territory. Court of General Quarter Sessions (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Judgments -- Indiana Territory
Costs (Law) -- Indiana Territory
Affidavits -- Indiana Territory
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Indiana Territory
Damages -- Indiana Territory
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Lawyers -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Scire facias -- Indiana Territory
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Trespass -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.