Collection Order

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Levi Frederick vs Polly Frederick on a Commission of Lunacy

Description: A petition is filed by Lewis Frederick, one of the heirs of George Frederick against Polly Frederick, also an heir of George Frederick. Levi Frederick is 35 years of age and a 12 year resident, he says that Polly is not mentally able to care for herself or her $200 estate and lives with her mother at the home of George Frederick, deceased. He asks that some one be appointed as a guardian for her. The petition was filed by A. T. Ellis on February 12, 1841. A request for a Writ of Commission of Lunacy hearing on Polly Frederick is requested on April 20, 1841. They request that 12 intelligent men as jurors are called to check into the sanity of Polly Frederick. They also ask that people give testimony to the insanity or lunacy of said Polly Frederick and if she is found insane then they are to determine her rights to her part of the estate. The hearing is to be heard on the 2nd Monday, May 1841. Witness is Wm R. McCord, Clerk. A March 5, 1841 note on the back of the writ by Sheriff Abraham Smith, states that the writ was not executed due to the death of Polly Frederick and by order of the plaintiff. The document was filed May 7, 1841.
Origin: 2017-01-30
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Guardian and ward -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Writs -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.