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Showing 61 - 80 of 594 results
Search Results - (( tie sales rive...
Showing 61 - 80 of 594 results
1979Varsty TrackNorthOpp.Terre Haute N4780Seymour4186Columbus East6661Terre Haute S5275Bedford6364South53641) Graduate Kelly Siffin, and junior Chris Cre-well bring it...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Harriers goto state meet,finish 11thCoach Marshall Goss harriers useddedication and patience as keys to asuccessful 1975 season.Unlike last year, senior...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Carmel.The victory meant more work, as well as anopportunity to compete for a national title.While spending numerous hours in preparationeach day,...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
156THE NORMAL ADVANCE.Teaching as a Profession.In the ideal professional man or woman, selfishness has no part. To perfect ones self in any ...
to become a living sacrifice at the altar of thought inleading others to think, to feel, to live. It is thegoal of noblest ambitions...
todie, that others may live. Such was the purposein the life of the worlds greatest teacher, and suchmust be the teachers purpose if sh...
not the agent ofa powerful universal force striving to refine themost precious of heavenly legacies, the human soul,but a servant of the Sta...
but at graduationhe is turned loose upon himself, his own master.If he has been rightly taught, the early need of ateacher dissolves itself&...
it maybuild a squadron that will sweep the seas
it maybridge a river or span a continent
it may capturea city or destroy an army
but it cannot teach. Inthe presence of a towering will, spontaneity islost, thought is stricken dumb and slinks away.What Hubbard calls the ...
but a woman who bore the basket fromthe rushes.But we have long since learned to look to notfor the ideal. To say that a teacher...
Froebel a type of femininity. The former couldlay nations at his feet, but his children learned tohate him
the latter never awed a man into subjection and his pupils adored him. Where Napoleon saw a germ of thought he stamped it out...
Froebel made it bear a hundred fold.The average teacher is a dreamer, not a doer ofthings. She thinks upon questions of idealty inher s...
Indiana State University Archives
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Developing teamworkJunior Robert Comingore states intently at Hthe course ahead during the race. ^Bloomington Souths cross country team made great...
Bloomington High School South
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itShe made me realize that there is a lotto do to raise cancer awareness.JJAlana Harrington, the girls basketball coach of two seasons, now&...
Bloomington High School North
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PRACTICE MAKESJI J I Z^^T ~^e §rs trac^ team Practices everyday throughout the spring season.The sun beats down on the a...
Bloomington High School South
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going the dt6totf&Bloomington South students prepare for therun, the plunge and the ride of theirlives: their first triathalons.Keith Bobay shoas&...
Bloomington High School South
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During the 100 meter butterfly race, senior MikeyDedek surges toward the finish line. The swimming team has faced challenges this year. Thebigges...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
208 NW 4th Street
HP Scanjet 8300
Evansville Images
Team Unity LocksUp Boys Success«€€Girls Cross CountryEHSOpp.45T.H. North1833Danville2229(W)Brown Co.2949Owen Valley1944Blgtn. South176th inColumbus East Inv...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed
itWe, as juniors, have big shoes to fill.jjA team cant always rely on strength in numbers, as evidenced bythe cheerleading squad.There are n...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
Clark County Collections
No subjects listed
eanraThe faster;the fasteroure done.Left: Raisingtheir hands, andvoices, the team getspumped up and inthe zone before arace, photo BYELIZABETH STEINME...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
WEDMESDAY...CULTURE DAY!TMURSDAY...CLASW DAY!FRIDAY..SPIRT DAY!!!!!There were many highlights at this were Evan Devallance andyears homecoming. E...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed
Anna Damron powerfullythrows the shot put, trying tobeat the opponent.Alexis Lee uses all her might toget across the sand in thelong jump.Jessi...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
90THE NORMAL ADVANCEerr &o£eB. H. SCHOCKELHERR ROSE was my boyhood friend and ideal
of all things brave and courageous. The Herr
we lay for weeks in the cold
rains before Metz, and with the Kaiser finally
triumphed at Paris. The table became our cam¬
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
:41a mental strength becauseto learn to keep going,which is why I feel that the distancegirls are really close because wealways lean on ...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
di/fmfAms M®$^\a Bui: mrgal BwttuLgaBuilding robots, race cars and bikes isjust thebeginning for students involved in the science ...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Interview with Diane Stepro, Family and Local History librarian at the Jeffersonville Township Public Library (Jeffersonville, Ind.). The interview...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library