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Harriers goto state meet,finish 11thCoach Marshall Goss harriers useddedication and patience as keys to asuccessful 1975 season.Unlike last year, senior FrancisTomasic led Souths SCC hopes at thestart of the season. Tomasic had agreat season ahead last year beforean injury put him out.Seniors Scott Eberle and TonySpringer improved in the middle ofthe season, and Martin Shetter ran hisbest time in the sectional.The harriers finished second in thesectional and first in the regional,both hosted by South. They advancedto state and placed 1 1 th.In the SCC South placed second;and three runners—Tomasic, Harris,and Bob Woodley-made the All-Conference team. Tomasic was given theB-man award, and Harris was chosenhonorary captain.LEFT PAGE. TOP: CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM.FIRST ROW: Dave Wilson, Harold Woodley,Reid Adams, Phil Guba, Mike Kalb, Joe Lee.SECOND ROW: Ellis Richardson, RobertWoodley, Jason Bent, Mike Sullivan, KevinBird, Paul Harris, Jeff Riggins. THIRD ROW:Jim Falkenthal, Tony Springer, John LeBlanc,Martin Shetter, Francis Tomasic, Chuck Falkenthal, Scott Eberle, Mark Faris, Dave Shaw.BOTTOM LEFT: Tony Springer, Kevin Bird,and John LeBlanc run up the hill during a94 Cross Countrymeet at Bryan Park. BOTTOM RIGHT: PaulHarris and Mark Faris run a close race. RIGHTPAGE. TOP LEFT: Francis Tomasic and PaulHarris finish the 21/2-mile race. TOP RIGHT:Paul Harris leads the Panther harriers at theone-mile mark in the regional meet. BOTTOM: VARSITY RUNNERS. FIRST ROW: MikeKalb, Paul Harris, Scott Eberle, Robert Wood-ley. SECOND ROW: Martin Shetter, FrancisTomasic, Tony Springer, Mark Faris. |
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Bloomington High School South |
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