36THE NORMAL ADVANCErounding them according to the one they havethe most intercourse with.Concerning Esperanto itself the reason forits wonderful progress&...
thewords are spelled exactly as pronounced andpronounced exactly as spelled. Gar-den-la-bor-ad-o, mar-ve-tur-ar-to, kresk-aj-o.Esperanto has this peculiarity: it...
but we must remember that Esperanto cannot begin to havethe words to express its meaning that wTe employ in English. There are no separ...
it is all done by the prefixes andsuffixes.Now just a word as to prefixes and suffixes.Of the former we have in use at present 14,...
-AR denotesa collection or group as, VORTO, a word,A^ORTARO, a collection of words, a dictionary. IL denotes a tool, as TRANCI to cut,T...
MI VIDAS LAKESTOJN, I see the boxes. The simple tensesof the verb are shown by AS for the present, ISfor the past and OS for ...
SeventyThe GothicAbsent MindedWhen Mr. Shaw, the photographer, was taking the pic-ture of the German Singing Class for the Gothic, he absentmindedly...
THE NORMAL ADVANCE91LOCALMr. Woodrow of the Training School visitedhis parents, during the Thanksgiving vacation.Mr. Sam Moye, one of our baseball sta...