Search Results - (( oliver street ...
Search alternatives:street english » stories englisholiver street » silver streetenglish art » english parts, english barn, english actsplace class » places class, place glass, place claysouth pole » south pineb.w june » o.w junek, b junepole his » bogle his, polly his, gale his
Showing 1 - 20 of 167 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( oliver street ...
Showing 1 - 20 of 167 results

  • A newsletter issued by the South Bend Turnverein, begun in September, 1937.

    Vol. V• JSec. 562, P. L. & R.SOUTH BEND TURNERNov., 1941JUNIOR TURN DAYSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9thTIME 1:00 P. M.Free Will Offering Donated&#...

    Local History

  • (Jz£]D<>oQ.\oofNLOfNBack in June, Bloomington South alumniDeakin Volz competed in the USA JuniorChampionships. He finished in second place,getti...

    Bloomington High School South
    No subjects listed

  • MwMf#?.Mte£THE TRACK SQUADTHE 1927 TRACK SEASONThe track team under the tutelage of Coach Johnson started the seasonwith a triangular meet.&...

    Bloomington High School
    No subjects listed

  • T-Top: John Smith prepares for his first jump of the season. Bottom: GeorgeSpangler officiates as Bob Baker, Jerry Isom, and Deane King...

    University High School
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYxxmNovember, 1869, Resigned, June, 1879.Karres, Fred, Music, 1929-1930.Keating, Anna, Assistant Librarian,1899-1925.Kelley, Denman, Industrial Arts, 1...

    1881, Vice-President, 1886, Resigned,1917.Sanger, Lillian, Physical Education, 1919-1924.Sankey, Anna M., Latin and German,1896. On leave Fall and Winter, 1901-...

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • 136THE ALUMNI DIRECTORYLawrenceville: 1917 married, not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1917.Trout, Clarence W., A. B. ha Staunton:taught one year in grade school beforegraduation

    1916-1917 teaching

    1917-1919 in army in medical department

    1918-1923 working for coal company,Staunton

    1923-1930 principal of thehigh school, Cory.Trout-Bowles, Mrs. Iva, ha RFD 2, Brazil

    taught four years before graduation

    1916-1918 teacher of grades, Clinton: 1918-1929 married to GeorgeBowles, not teaching, homekeeper.Uland, Mrs. Ella B. McCoy, ha Bloom-field

    pa Scotland

    1907-1912 teacherrural school, Greene county

    1912-1914teacher grades, Jasonville

    1914-1916teacher grades, Linton

    1916-1918 teacher grades, Anderson

    1918-1915 notteaching, married, homekeeper

    1925-1927 teacher English, home economics,music and art, high school, Pleasant ville

    1927-1928 teacher home economics,music and art, Marco

    1928-1929 student Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, B. S.

    1929-1930 teacher,music, art, home economics and healthessentials, high school, Scotland.Van Scoy, Lura, pa 1417 South FellowSt., South Bend

    1916-1922 teacher inthe grades, Edinburg

    1922-1923 student at Indiana State Teachers College

    1923-1924 teacher of English in the highschool at South Bend

    1926-1929 teacher in the junior high school, SouthBend.Vernon, Hazel, A. B. ha 610 Locust St.,Terre Haute

    1915-1917 teacher, Latinand mathematics, high school, Fontanet

    1917-1918 teacher English and mathematics, high school, Pimento

    lr 1918.Walsh-Kelly, Mrs. Katherine Jane, ha2006 South Center St., Terre Haute

    1916-1918 teacher in the grades in thepublic schools, Terre Haute

    1918 married, not teaching, homekeeper

    lr 1918.Weber, Emma L. pa 2208 Sycamore St.,Terre Haute

    1916-1922 teacher DemingSchool, Terre Haute

    1922-1923 teacherUnited States Indian School

    1923-1928teacher Deming School, Terre Haute:1928-1930 teacher science, WoodrowWilson Junior High School, Terre Haute

    ,A. B. Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, 1927.Wilson, Walter Howe, ha Milan

    1916-1924 teaching at Monrovia

    1924-1929,principal, high school, Milan.Winkenhofer, Walter H., ha Huntingburg

    1909-1915 teacher in the ruralschools before graduation

    1918-1919principal Prairie Creek in the highschool

    1918-1919 in the army

    1919-1920 student in Indiana University

    1920-1926 teacher of science, Princeton

    1926-1929 teacher of science in Huntingburg

    received A. B. from Indiana University in 1920.Womeldurf, Laura, ha Linton

    1916-1929 doing government work with Cen-cus Bureau, Washington, D. C.Wood, Olive E., ha Hobart

    1916-1917teacher of primary grades

    1917-1920teacher of grades, Deepriver

    1920-1923principal of the high school, Ainsworth:1923-1925 teacher of English in the highschool, Merrillville

    1925-1926 at home

    1926-1927 worked in an office in Chicago,111.

    1927-1929 teacher in the highschool, Merrillville.Wood, Anna M., ha Columbus

    1915-1918 principal and teacher of Englishand history in the high school, Cannel-burg

    received A. B. in June

    1921-1929 teacher of English in the highschool, Lafayette.Wood-Bristow, Mrs. Adaline, pa Danville

    1916-1927 teacher of high schoolsubjects, Michigantown

    1927-1928 athome ot Oakland City

    not teaching,homekeeper

    wife of Waldo Wood, president of Central Normal College, Danville.Woolen-Crist, Mrs. Harriet, ha GilfordAve., Indianapolis

    lr 1928, married,homekeeper.Worsham, Margaret

    ha Terre Haute

    nr.Wright, Mary A., ha Sullivan: 1916-1917 teacher in the grades, Sullivan

    1917-1918 teacher in the junior highschool, Bedford

    1918-1920 teacher ofgrades, Muskogee, Okla.

    1920-1923teacher of grades, Alexandria

    1923-1927 teacher, Lawrenceville, 111.

    1928-1930 teacher history, high school, Sullivan

    B. S. Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute, 1928.Ycager, Otto N., 441 Madison St., Gary

    1904-1911 teacher of industrial arts,Vigo county schools, Terre Haute

    1911-1912 teacher of industrial arts, Mooresville

    1912-1929 teacher of industrialarts, Emerson High School, Gary.Zobel, Emilie, A. B. ha 1122 SouthCenter St., Terre Haute

    pa 5026 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111.

    1916-1918teaching German, Davenport, Iowa

    1918-1919 student Columbia University

    1919-1920 principal high school, Perrys-ville

    1920-1921 teaching English andhistory, Covington

    1921-1925 teachingEnglish, Tulsa, Okla.

    1927-1929, residing in Chicago.CLASS OF 1917Abbott-Ulysses S., pa Princeton

    1917-1919 superintendent school, Union

    1919-1920 teacher at Otwell

    1920-1921 teacher at Winslow

    1921-1922 teacher atHazelton

    1925-1929 superintendentcounty schools, Gibson county.Adams, Mary Frances, la Wilcox, Ariz.

    lr 1920, living in Wilcox, Ariz.Allen, Lloyd A, ha Vincennes

    1917-1921 principal high school, Vevay

    1921-1929 principal high school. Decker.Allen, Marguerite, pa Gary

    1917-1921teacher of grades, Muncie

    1921-1929teacher in grades and high school, Gary.Allgood, Delia F., pa 3518 Fir St., EastChicago

    1917-1929, teacher of departmental work and grades, public schools,East Chicago.Artman, Guy R., pa RFD 9, Lebanon

    1917-1918 worked on a farm in Kokomo

    1918-1919 in the army

    1919-1929 ruralmail carrier.Axel-Walker, Hilda M., pa 4227 ForsythAve., East Chicago

    1917-1927, teacherof geography, East Chicago high school,East Chicago

    1927-1929 married


    at home.Bailey, Clennie Elsie, A. B., pa 703Beechwood Ave., Muncie

    1917 receivedA. B. Indiana State Teachers College

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed


    1916-1924 principal, highschool, Brownstown

    1924-1926 principal,high school and teacher of Latin, Brownstown

    1926-1928 married, at home, notteaching.Lawrence, Clara, nr.Lewis, George F., ha Monon

    1911-1912principal of schools, Dana

    1912-1921superintendent of schools at Dana, Mononand Morocco

    lr 1921.Lidikay-Sappenfield, Mrs. May, pa Georgetown

    taught two terms in rural school,all grades, primary and eight terms, inNewburg, before graduation

    1911-1915taught primary grades, New Albany

    1915-1923 at home, homekeeper

    1924-1929 taught primary

    first two years andlast two years taught in high school,civics, domestic science, geography andphysiology.Losh-Showalter, Mrs. Mary, la 4052 N.Capital Ave....

    1911-1912primary teacher, Clinton

    1912-1913teacher of primary grades, Indianapolis

    no recent report.Love-Vaughn, Mrs. Grace M., pa 1634McGee Ave., Berkeley, California

    1911-1912 teacher of music and English,Marion

    19121913 teacher of grades,Terre Haute

    1913-1914 assistant supervisor of music, Terre Haute

    1915-1916attending University of California working on A. B.

    1917-1919 department ofmusic and English, Oakland, California,September, 1919 married to J. S. Vaughn,now in business in Berkeley, California,have three ch...

    in January, 1927returned to Oakland, California and atpresent teacher of music in Frick JuniorHigh School, Oakland, California.Lucas, William A., ha N...


    taught four years Brown county,and one year, McLean county, Illinois,before graduation

    1911-1912 teachergrades, Nashville

    1912-1916 operated astock farm. Independence, la.

    1917-1918manager of store, Lexington, 111.

    1919-1921 operated a store, Bellflower, 111.

    1921-1925 manager of a creamery, Gibson City, 111.

    1925-1927 teacher Monroecounty

    1927-1930 principal, gradeschools, Nashville

    attended IndianaUniversity, summer 1929.Lynch, Lura, nr.McBride, James C, pa Frankfort

    1911-1922 superintendent at Clarks Hill, Newton, Richland township Consolidated,Fountain county, Bourbon, Redkey andKirklin

    1922-1923 student, Butler College, Indianapolis

    1923-1926 principal ofhigh schools, Tipton and Forrest

    1926-1930 county superintendent of schools,Frankfort, Clinton county.McCracken A. Wayne, pa Greensburg:1911-1916 teacher of biology, high school,Martinsville...

    1916-1929 teacher of vocational agriculture, high school, Greensburg.Mahley-McBride, Mrs. Nellie, pa Frankfort

    1911-1912 teacher of grades,Greensburg

    1912-1913 teacher of domestic science, Newton

    1913-1916 supplyteacher, Newton

    1916-1918 teacher ofdomestic science, Bourbon

    1918-1921not teaching, at home

    1921-1923 principal junior high school, Kirklin

    1923-1924 teacher of domestic science, Tipton

    1924-1929 not teaching, at home, Frankfort, married to James C. McBride,county superintendent of schools, Clintoncounty.Mapes, Luella, ha Paris, Illinois...

    1911-1912 teacher of grades, Oliver, Illinois

    1912-1913 teacher of grades, Metcalf,Illinois

    1913-1914 attending IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1914-1915 not teaching, at home

    1915-1916 teaching English and Latin, Hillsdale

    1916-1924 not teaching, at home

    lr 1924.Melton, Monroe, pa Normal, Illinois

    1911-1913 superintendent, English

    1913-1916superintendent, Potomac, Illinois

    1917-1920 high school representative, Educational department, MacMillan Company,Chicago, Illinois

    1920-1924 superintendent of Hall Township Vocational HighSchool .Spring Valley, Illinois

    1924-1929superintendent of schools, Normal, Illinois.Miller-Schad, Mrs. Claudie, ha Borden

    1911-1913 teacher of grades, Mulberry

    1913-1915 teacher of domestic scienceand art, Colfax

    1915-1916 teacher inhigh school, Borden

    no recent report.Moore, Leola O., ha Greencastle

    taughtthree years in the rural schools of Putnam county before graduation

    1911-1929teacher of grades at Fortville, Plymouth,Mishawaka

    since 1922 third grade,Greencastle.Morford, Ella Loretta, ha Bippus

    1911-1912 teacher of history and geography,Evansville

    1912-1922 teacher, juniorhigh school, Evansville

    1914-1922 teacher, Normal School, Evansville

    1922-1924student, Indiana University

    lr 1924.Morgan, Glenn, pa 559 S. 4th St., Clinton

    1911-1914 not teaching, at home

    1914-1916 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Oblong, Illinois

    1916-1917 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, A. B.

    1917-1918 teacherof mathematics, township high school,Sidell, Illinois

    1918-1929 teacher in cityschools, Clinton.Muncie, Emery H., pa Brazil

    1911-1915head department of history, high school,Brazil

    1915-1916 principal, high school.Brazil

    1916-1930 head department ofhistory, Brazil.Nugent, Milton B., pa New Albany

    1911-1915 teacher of science, high school,Attica

    1915-1916 principal, high school,Attica

    1916-1917 Newtown

    1917-1924county agricultural agent

    1928-1930county agricultural agent, New Albany.OBrien, Lela Fern, pa La Junta, Colorado

    taught in Cloverdale township fourterms before graduation

    1911 supplywork in New Mays ville High School

    1913-1918 teacher of primary grades,Cloverdale

    1918-1920 teacher of primary, Alamosa, Colorado

    1920-1924 teacher, primary, Greencastle and Cloverdale

    1924-1928 teacher of grades, Cloverdale,Fruita, Colorado and La Junta, Colorado.Orebaugh-Horst, Mrs. Anna Mary, haShelbyville

    1911-1922 supervisor ofmusic and drawing, Sandborn and Edwardsport

    1912 summer and springterm, assistant in music, Indiana StateTeachers College

    1912-1916 supervisorof music, Bono and Portland

    1916-1924married, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, wife of F. W. Horst

    lr 1924.Peters-Stewart, Mrs. Louise M., la SouthBend

    1911 summer and winter at homeat Sunman on account of illness

    1912 (January and June studying vocal musicat Muncie

    1912 married to E. L. Stewart in June

    1912-1913 living at Arthur,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • The Florence Helen McGaughey collection contains three cubic feet of incoming letters

    writings in handwritten, typed, and published form


    printed materials


    reel-to-reel tape

    and awards, certificates, and medals.

    Indiana State University Archives

  • wTHE ALUMNI DIRECTORY24::poorwill School. Fulton county, beforegraduation

    1928-1929 teacher ruralschool, Whippoorv, ill School, Fultoncounty.Havercamp, Leota Rosamund, 2 P. haTerre Haute, 3230 North lhth St.

    192*-1929 teocher of second and third grades,Harrison township, Vijro county.Hawtin, Blanche E., 2IG, ha Dugger. nr.Hayes, Mrs. Christine Drehcr, I..&...

    pa544 Harrison St.. Gary

    taught two yeasin grades, Shepherd School, Fayettetownship, Vigo county, three years NewGoshen School, Foyette township, Vigocounty and four years New ...

    1928-1930!rr home economics. Gary.Hayward-Roesch, Mis. Grace C. 2P, pa1447 Maple Ave., Terre Haute

    192S-1929 supply teacher, city schools, TerreHaute

    1929-1930 not teaching, home-1. married summer of 1929.Head, Carrie C, 210, pa Memphis, Box75

    1928-1929 substitute toucher,Charlestown

    1929-1930 teacher ofClaysburg Colored School,Charlestown.He .dice, Ralph Emerson, A. B., ha TerreHiute, 521 North Center St.

    pa NewSnlom

    tr.ught one year high school.Manilla, before graduation

    1928-rj2.iteacher history and coach high school,New Salem.Heath, Tula Clay, 2R. ha Reelsville

    1922-1927 teacher of grades, Manhattan

    1927-1928 teacher of grades,Reelsville: 1928-1929 teacher of grades,Martha Riipath School, Greencastle.Heinig. Lily June, B. S., ha Terre Tr.ute,1615 North...

    1928-1929 teacherof science and physical education, Montpelier.Helm, Frances, 2IG, ha Terre Haute.604 Eagle St.

    1928-1929 teacher ofgrades, Clark county, 111.Henderson, Edith, 2IG, ha Owensburg:1920-1923 teacher in rural school, Owencounty

    1923-1925 teacher in grades,Owensburg

    1925-1929 teacher in ruralschool, Greene county.Hephner, Thelma, 2IG, ha Fremont

    taught four years in grades at Fremont

    192S-1929 teacher of grades, Fremont.Higgins, Margaret Elizabeth, A. B., ha1719 North 9th St.. Terre Haute: paDetroit, Mich.

    taught two years in highschool, Shelburn before graduotion

    1928-1929 teocher of commerce in hi^rhschool. Winamac: 1929-1930 teacher ofcommerce, Detroit, Mich.Hine, Elizabeth V., 2M, ha Martinsville

    pa Patomac, 111.

    1928-1929 teacher music and art, grades and highschool, Potomac, 111.Hinton, Charles M., B. S.. ha Frankfort:pa Grovertown: 1928-1929 teacher ofm...

    1929-1930teacher mathematics and science Grovertown.Hitt, Elizabeth Hopper, 2IG, ha Sullivan

    1928-1929 teacher elementary grades,Prairie Creek township, Vigo county.Hixon, Katherine, B. S., pa 2609 Fen-wood Ave., Terre Haute

    1928-1929 teacher, home economics and English.Green township High School, Park county.Hochstetler, Orville C, B. S„ ha CoalCity

    1916-1917 teacher ruriil schoolnear Coal City

    1919-1920 teacher ruralschool near West Terre Haute

    1921-Jnn. to April manual training teacher,Bicknell

    1922-1921 teacher manualtraining, Donovan High School, Donovan.Ill : 1924-1921 teacher manual training.or high school. Norfolk, Va.

    191929 teacher Industrial arts, !.i<kne!l.Hockersmith, Doris, B. S., ha Lebanon

    pa Bedford

    1928-1980 teacher of his-toiy. junior high school, Bedford.Hoffman, Millie Deka, 2P, ha 913 North16th St., I.i.fayette

    1916-1920 toucherkindergarten. Lafayette

    1920-1922 teacher of p.-imary grades. Madisonvillc,Ky.

    1922-1928 teacher of primarygrades, Lafayette

    attended Purdue 1ni-versity summer I!i21 : 1928-1929 tea)of primary grades, Lincoln School, Lafayette.Holdcn, John William, B. S.. pa Brazil...

    1921*1924 teacher of one-room schoolMorgan county

    1925-1926 principalconsolidated school. Morgan county

    1928-1930 teacher of mathematics, Brazil Hi^h School.Holle, Gladys B., 2I\ ha Knimr.n

    taughtfour years, Barkley township, Jaspernty

    two years Walker township,Jasper county

    two years Union town-p, Josper county

    1928-1929 teachrprimary grades, Union township, Jos-pi r county.Holtegel, Mae, 2IG, ha Lawrenceburg:taught two years rural school

    twoyears consolidated school and one yeartown school in Dearborn county beforegraduation: 1928-1929 teacher fifth andsi>

    th grades, Gr^-endalc School, Lawrenceburg.Horn, Evan L., A. H., ha Koleen

    pa109 North 3rd St., Elkhart

    taught throeyears in grades, Koleen before graduation: 1928-1930 teacher English anddebating, Elkhart.Horn, Ivan, 2IG, ha Koleen

    taught twoyears in Clifty rural school, Koleen:1928-1929 home, not teaching

    1929-1930student Indiana State Teachers College.Hornaday, Ethel, 2IG, ha Montgom< rtaught one year in rural school

    threeyears elementary school and one yearjunior high school before graduation:1928-1929 teacher grade literature.Washington Junior High chool, Washington.Horrall,&#x...

    1928-1929 teacher of music andart, high school, Montgomery.Hortsman, Louise, 2P, ha Brownstown:1928-1929 teacher of grades, Brownstown township.Howald, Florence...

    taught five years in Posey township before graduation

    1928-1929 teacher of elementary grades, Posey township. Clay county.Howey, Bernice, B. S., ha West Point :taught home economics six years beforeg...


    1917-1927 teacher primary grades, Cass township, Dugger

    1927-1928 Btudent. Indiana State Teachers College: 192S-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Marshall High School, 111.

    1929-1930 at home, not teaching.Huntington, Opal

    2P, ha Wheatfield:pa Williamsport: 192.1-1928 teacher primary grades, Jasper county


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed