1916-1924 principal, highschool, Brownstown
1924-1926 principal,high school and teacher of Latin, Brownstown
1926-1928 married, at home, notteaching.Lawrence, Clara, nr.Lewis, George F., ha Monon
1911-1912principal of schools, Dana
1912-1921superintendent of schools at Dana, Mononand Morocco
lr 1921.Lidikay-Sappenfield, Mrs. May, pa Georgetown
taught two terms in rural school,all grades, primary and eight terms, inNewburg, before graduation
1911-1915taught primary grades, New Albany
1915-1923 at home, homekeeper
1924-1929 taught primary
first two years andlast two years taught in high school,civics, domestic science, geography andphysiology.Losh-Showalter, Mrs. Mary, la 4052 N.Capital Ave....
1911-1912primary teacher, Clinton
1912-1913teacher of primary grades, Indianapolis
no recent report.Love-Vaughn, Mrs. Grace M., pa 1634McGee Ave., Berkeley, California
1911-1912 teacher of music and English,Marion
19121913 teacher of grades,Terre Haute
1913-1914 assistant supervisor of music, Terre Haute
1915-1916attending University of California working on A. B.
1917-1919 department ofmusic and English, Oakland, California,September, 1919 married to J. S. Vaughn,now in business in Berkeley, California,have three ch...
in January, 1927returned to Oakland, California and atpresent teacher of music in Frick JuniorHigh School, Oakland, California.Lucas, William A., ha N...
taught four years Brown county,and one year, McLean county, Illinois,before graduation
1911-1912 teachergrades, Nashville
1912-1916 operated astock farm. Independence, la.
1917-1918manager of store, Lexington, 111.
1919-1921 operated a store, Bellflower, 111.
1921-1925 manager of a creamery, Gibson City, 111.
1925-1927 teacher Monroecounty
1927-1930 principal, gradeschools, Nashville
attended IndianaUniversity, summer 1929.Lynch, Lura, nr.McBride, James C, pa Frankfort
1911-1922 superintendent at Clarks Hill, Newton, Richland township Consolidated,Fountain county, Bourbon, Redkey andKirklin
1922-1923 student, Butler College, Indianapolis
1923-1926 principal ofhigh schools, Tipton and Forrest
1926-1930 county superintendent of schools,Frankfort, Clinton county.McCracken A. Wayne, pa Greensburg:1911-1916 teacher of biology, high school,Martinsville...
1916-1929 teacher of vocational agriculture, high school, Greensburg.Mahley-McBride, Mrs. Nellie, pa Frankfort
1911-1912 teacher of grades,Greensburg
1912-1913 teacher of domestic science, Newton
1913-1916 supplyteacher, Newton
1916-1918 teacher ofdomestic science, Bourbon
1918-1921not teaching, at home
1921-1923 principal junior high school, Kirklin
1923-1924 teacher of domestic science, Tipton
1924-1929 not teaching, at home, Frankfort, married to James C. McBride,county superintendent of schools, Clintoncounty.Mapes, Luella, ha Paris, Illinois...
1911-1912 teacher of grades, Oliver, Illinois
1912-1913 teacher of grades, Metcalf,Illinois
1913-1914 attending IndianaState Teachers College, Terre Haute
1914-1915 not teaching, at home
1915-1916 teaching English and Latin, Hillsdale
1916-1924 not teaching, at home
lr 1924.Melton, Monroe, pa Normal, Illinois
1911-1913 superintendent, English
1913-1916superintendent, Potomac, Illinois
1917-1920 high school representative, Educational department, MacMillan Company,Chicago, Illinois
1920-1924 superintendent of Hall Township Vocational HighSchool .Spring Valley, Illinois
1924-1929superintendent of schools, Normal, Illinois.Miller-Schad, Mrs. Claudie, ha Borden
1911-1913 teacher of grades, Mulberry
1913-1915 teacher of domestic scienceand art, Colfax
1915-1916 teacher inhigh school, Borden
no recent report.Moore, Leola O., ha Greencastle
taughtthree years in the rural schools of Putnam county before graduation
1911-1929teacher of grades at Fortville, Plymouth,Mishawaka
since 1922 third grade,Greencastle.Morford, Ella Loretta, ha Bippus
1911-1912 teacher of history and geography,Evansville
1912-1922 teacher, juniorhigh school, Evansville
1914-1922 teacher, Normal School, Evansville
1922-1924student, Indiana University
lr 1924.Morgan, Glenn, pa 559 S. 4th St., Clinton
1911-1914 not teaching, at home
1914-1916 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Oblong, Illinois
1916-1917 student, Indiana State Teachers College,Terre Haute, A. B.
1917-1918 teacherof mathematics, township high school,Sidell, Illinois
1918-1929 teacher in cityschools, Clinton.Muncie, Emery H., pa Brazil
1911-1915head department of history, high school,Brazil
1915-1916 principal, high school.Brazil
1916-1930 head department ofhistory, Brazil.Nugent, Milton B., pa New Albany
1911-1915 teacher of science, high school,Attica
1915-1916 principal, high school,Attica
1916-1917 Newtown
1917-1924county agricultural agent
1928-1930county agricultural agent, New Albany.OBrien, Lela Fern, pa La Junta, Colorado
taught in Cloverdale township fourterms before graduation
1911 supplywork in New Mays ville High School
1913-1918 teacher of primary grades,Cloverdale
1918-1920 teacher of primary, Alamosa, Colorado
1920-1924 teacher, primary, Greencastle and Cloverdale
1924-1928 teacher of grades, Cloverdale,Fruita, Colorado and La Junta, Colorado.Orebaugh-Horst, Mrs. Anna Mary, haShelbyville
1911-1922 supervisor ofmusic and drawing, Sandborn and Edwardsport
1912 summer and springterm, assistant in music, Indiana StateTeachers College
1912-1916 supervisorof music, Bono and Portland
1916-1924married, living in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, wife of F. W. Horst
lr 1924.Peters-Stewart, Mrs. Louise M., la SouthBend
1911 summer and winter at homeat Sunman on account of illness
1912 (January and June studying vocal musicat Muncie
1912 married to E. L. Stewart in June
1912-1913 living at Arthur,