1921-1928 teacher of Latin inthe high school, Huntingburg
attendedIndiana University 1917-1918 and received A .B.
lr 1928.White, Roy L., pa city schools, Riverside,California
taught five years, elementaryschools, Floyd county before graduation
1913-1914 principal, high school, Fairbanks
1914-1915 student, Indiana University
1915-1916 superintendent ofschools, Wolcott
1916-1917 student, Indiana University
1917-1918 superintendent of schools, Royal Center
1918-1920 superintendent of schools, Tyrone,New Mexico: 1920-1925 superintendentof schools
Gallup, New Mexico
1925-1926 superintendent of schools, Santa Fe,New Mexico
1926-1930 principal IrvingSchool, Riverside, California, A. B. Indiana University 1915
attended Stanford University, summer of 1926.White, Walter, ha Washington
1913-1916 principal, high school, Glendale
1916-1924 teacher in high school
1924-1927 taught in Washington
1927-1929principal of schools, Alfordsville.Williams-Johnson, Mrs. Charmian, pa1163 Lincoln Ave., Toledo, Ohio
taughtin the schools of Marion county beforegraduation
1913-1914 teacher of English, domestic science, and physical education in the high school at Valley Mills
1914-1921 teacher of grades in theschools, Indianapolis
1921-1923 teacher of grades in the public schools ofCleveland, Ohio
1923-1929 married toW. Guy Johnson, and teacher in theschools, Toledo, Ohio.Wilson, Noble L., pa RFD 10, Box 32,Evansville
taught two years Morgancounty district school and one year inHopewell High School before graduation
1913-1916 teacher of mathematics,manual training, and assistant coach ofathletics at Attica
1916-1918 manualtraining, Evansville
1918 World War,Aviation Section Signal Corp
1919-1927merchant department store
1927-1929teacher of grades, Evansville
attendedStout Institute
1914-1916 two summerterms
attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, 1915 and the University of Wisconsin two summer terms, 1916-1917
took extension work with Evansville College, 1927-1929.Wolverton-Stewart, Mrs. Blanche, paVail, Arizona
taught four years beforegraduation
1913-1919 teaching grades,Hammond
1919-1921 teaching criticwork, third grade, Philippine Normal,Philippine Islands
1921-1929 married,homekeeper, not teaching.Wood, Mary Sylvia, la 134 S. 8th St.,New Castle
taught one year before graduation
1913-1916 teacher of grades,New-castle
lr 191G.Wright, Emma, nr.Yeager, Margaret S., ha North Vernon,RFD 1, 1913-1914 taught upper grades,Tefft
1914-1916 taught Newton township, Jasper county
1916-1917 taught inManson, Montana
1918-1920 taughtgrades, Kokomo
1920-1923 teacher intraining school. Muncie
1923-1929teacher in Fort Wayne.Zinck, May, ha Utica
1913-1915 teacherin the high school, Worthington
192S-1929 teaching in the high school at Detroit, Michigan.CLASS OF 1914Adam, Shelby C, pa Leavenworth
1914-1915 teacher, Pilot Knob
1915-1918 superintendent of schools, Leavenworth
1918-1921 principal, high school, Attica
1921-1922 attended Indiana University,receiving A. B.
1922-1923 attended Columbia University receiving A. M.
1923-1925 county superintendent of schools,Crawford county
1925-1926 superintendent of schools, Marengo
1926-1927teacher of mathematics, Garfield HighSchool
1927-1928 teacher of mathematics, Leavenworth: 1928-1930 countysuperintendent of schools, Crawfordcounty.Ageng, Nelle S., pa 1040 ■ N. 9th St.,Terre ...
1913-1916 teacher ofgrades, Terre Haute
1916-1925 teacherof mathematics, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacherof history, Garfield High School, TerreHaute.AUen-Steinmetz, Mrs. Osie, pa 532 N.Broadway, Greensburg
1914-1920 teacher in grades, North Vernon
1920-1929teacher in grades, Greensburg.Anderson, Will D., A. B., pa 937 N.Howey Ave.
Oak Park, Illinois
1908-1913 principal, Collett School, TerreHaute
1913-1919 principal, Baker Avenue School, Evansville
1919-1922 teacher, English, Harrison School, Chicago,Illinois
1922-1927 principal, Mont ClareSchool, Chicago, Illinois
1927-1930 principal Lovett School, Chicago, Illinois
and principal, Jackson Evening School
graduate student, Columbia Universityand University of Chicago.Arbogast, Reba A., pa 5 27 Madison Ave.,Anderson
1914-1920 teacher of grades,Anderson
1920-1924 principal of grades,Anderson
1924-1929 teacher, highschool, Anderson.Armstrong-Taylor, Mrs. Edith Marie, haThorntown
lr principal, Wadena HighSchool, Fowler.Arney, John N., A. B., ha Coal City
paMontverde, Florida
1929 music supervisor, Montverde, Florida
for completerecord see class of 1906.Artis, Belle, A. B., pa Kokomo
1915-1916 taught in Lost Creek townshipschool, Vigo county
1916-1917 teacherof grades, Sparta, Illinois
1917-1929teacher of grades, Kokomo.Babb-Haniford, Mrs. Sylvia, ha Mellott,pa Newton
1914-1916 teacher of primarygrades, Rabb School, Covington
1916-1920 teacher elementary grades, Mellott
1920-1921 teacher, elementary grades,Newton
1921-1929 married, at home, notteaching.Barker, Garl Hale, A. B., pa Palmetto,Florida, RFD 2, 1914-1918 teaching inhigh school, Decatur, Illinois...
1918 attended Indiana State Teachers College
1918-1919 teaching in high school, Calumet, Michigan
1919-1923 teaching highschool. Oak Park, Illinois
1923 receivedM. A. from Northwestern University
1914-1923 graduate work in geographyand geology at University of Chicago beyond requirements for M. A.
1926-1930in poultry and dairy business in Florida.Bash, Homer L., ha Converse
pa Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 628 E. 8th St.,_