WHOWHATrningvs.NightWhere do you fall?seniorAbbey Martinlam anightperson.There isso muchmore todo and Im moreawake.juniorJake PfenningerWell, Iconsidermyselfto be anafter...
178THE NOEMAL ADVANCE.Sanctus Radulphus Concordensis.A CHAPEL TALK.On a certain, day, now many years ago, I readfor the first time, Emersons Nature.Th...
to me heis as rich and luxuriant as a tropical forest. Iam aware that in this audience there are manywho do not share these opinio...
but with the certain knowledge that forsome he has no more message than Mohammed hasfor me. I say to every student, look into thosetrea...
yon may find there the pearl of great price, whichyou would sell all that you have to buy. But ifthey seem to you only common ...
shall see their rounding, completegrace
shall see the world to be the mirror of thesoul
shall see the identity of the law of gravitation with purity of heart, and I shall show thatthe Ought, that Duty is one thing with...
Writers Circle 74, 75Wyatt, Emily 181Yann, Marie 72Yeom, Steve 181Yorgen, Dorie 196Yost, Adam 64, 79,80,171Young, Andrew 72,161Young, Chris 193Young, Emily...