Search Results - (( first five fiv...
Showing 781 - 800 of 1,301 results
Search Results - (( first five fiv...
Showing 781 - 800 of 1,301 results
Six men fell trees and clear brush from Big Indian Creek near Corydon, Indiana in 1943. The creek-clearing project was sponsored by the ...
People at Work
5k-<*s/ew Year!r the first time ever, students at Bloomington South have the opportunity to learn Mandarin Chinese. Man)away from ch...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
People prepare the optical tube assembly, part of the telescope, for installation in the James Irving Holcomb Observatory and Planetarium. Two pe...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Scanned from microfilm, Originally published in The Madison Courier.
Jefferson County Public Library
A crane is being used to lift sections of the telescope through the dome opening for installation in the James Irving Holcomb Observatory...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
A crane is being used to lift sections of the telescope through the dome opening for installation in the James Irving Holcomb Observatory...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
9/27/1967 REGIONAL COMMITTEE -- Members of a newly organized committee meet for the first time to outline long-range plans for mental r...
Elkhart Public Library
Seated people watch from circular benches as Dr. Harry E. Crull Professor of Mathematics, Head of the Department of Mathematics at Butler Un...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
People stand next to a truck and other construction equipment used during the installation of the telescope in the James Irving Holcomb Obse...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
People stand next to trucks and other construction equipment used during the installation of the telescope in the James Irving Holcomb Observator...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
People stand next to trucks, a crane, and other construction equipment used during the installation of the telescope in the James Irving Hol...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Crown Hill Cemetery, Waiting Station (Office Building), First Floor Plan, 3402 Boulevard Place, Indianapolis, c. 1972, architect: Adolph Scherrer...
Indiana Landmarks H. Roll McLaughlin Collection
Members of the Eta Sigma Phi, the Latin honorary fraternity, stand on a staircase. First row, from left to right: Judy Smith, Cheryl...
Indiana State University Archives
People stand next to the optical tube assembly, part of the telescope which will be lifted by crane through the opening of the dome...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
Dr. Harry E. Crull (left), Professor of Mathematics, Head of the Department of Mathematics at Butler University, and the first Director ...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection
First is an automobile turning to go down Main Street from State Street. There are American flags mounted on the hood with patriotic bu...
Princeton Public Library
Grand Army of the Republic. Archer Post No. 28 (Princeton, Ind.)
Womans Relief Corps (U.S.) Archer Corps No. 31 (Princeton, Ind.)
Parades & processions
Clothing & dress
Walsh Decorating Co., (Princeton, Ind.)
more ...
Purdy Confectionery (Princeton, Ind.)
McCulloughs Cafe (Princeton, Ind.)
Floats (Parades)
Princeton Water & Lighting Co (Princeton, Ind.)
Book Shoe Shoppe (Princeton, Ind.)
Applegath (Princeton, Ind.)
J.C. Penney Co.
Peoples American National Bank (Princeton, Ind.)
Social Life
less ...
Up the HillGirls cross country team uses youth and desireto place 14th at State finals ~by Andrew RemakCompeting in theconference tournament,fres...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Crown Hill Cemetery, Gothic Gate and Sentry House, 3402 Boulevard Place, Indianapolis, c. 1970, architect: Adolph Scherrer[Scherrer’s design fo...
Indiana Landmarks H. Roll McLaughlin Collection
~ttT~What do most high school students love to do? Dance! That isjust what Edgewood High School did to raise money for RileyH...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed
A crane is being used to lift sections of the telescope through the dome opening for installation in the James Irving Holcomb Observatory...
Butler University Buildings and Grounds Collection