THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1872-1929CLASS OF 1872Barbour, Sarah L., ha 1610 South 5thSt., Terre Haute
deceased Sept. 1925
nr.Barbour, Susan, ha 702 Wheeling Ave.,Muncie
deceased Oct. 18, 1919
nr.Harrah-Shaw, Mrs. Lessie, ha Worth-ington
lr 1884 at home in Indianapolis
not teaching.-Oakey, Mary, ha 641 North fith St.,Terre Haute
deceased Oct. 18, 1919
nr.•Parsons, William Wood, ha TerreHaute
the first student admitted to theIndiana State Teachers College when theschool was opened in 1870. Dr. Parsons,after graduation, taught in Tuscola,...
taught in rural schools and for one yearin schools of Indianapolis, then spentsix years as principal of Terre HauteHigh School, assistant superin...
author, lecturer, and a great teacher
deceased July 1, 1919.Scott-Burt, Mrs. Fannie, taught schoolfor several years in Indiana and California
reported in 1906 to be retiredand living in Pasadena, Cat.Scott, Hattie, gave her life to the teaching profession
made a brilliant recordas head of the Detroit Training Schoolfor Teachers.CLASS OF 1873*Cox, Maggie, deceased Oct. 1906
nr.Glick, Ada, spent her life as a teacherin the schools of Terre Haute
deceased1887.Gosney, Lucy V., nr.Hewett-Clark, Mrs. Mary L., taught anumber of years, retired and reportedliving in Paris, 111.Andrews-Howard, Mrs. Mary, h...
pa 2125 West View St, LosAngeles, Calif.
1873-1874 teacher,grades, Indianapolis
1874-1S76 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1876-1877 principal, high school,Crawfordsville
1877-1878 principalhigh school, Princeton
1878-1881 teacher high school, Cambridge City
1881-1882 principal high school, Franklin
1882-1883 principal, high school,Knightstown
1883-1884 teacher eighthgrade, Marshall, 111.
1884-1885 principal, high school, Rockville
1885-1901not teaching, homekeeper, married
1901-1916 teacher of grades, cityschools, Terre Haute
1916-1919 teacher arithmetic, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute
1919-1930 notteaching, homekeeper in Los Angeles,Calif, since 1919.Jaquith, Albert T., deceased 1874
nr.Mathews, Anna, deceased 1874
nr.Milam, Elisha B., engaged in businessin Vincennes for a number of years
died in Florida, June 4, 1909.Parr, S. S., spent his life in educationalwork, largely in administrative positions
superintendent of schools of St. Cloud,Minn., at time of his death a few yearsago.Powers-Leasure, Mrs. Lida, pa Auburn