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Showing 1 - 20 of 614 results
Search Results - (( first aid _ pe...
Showing 1 - 20 of 614 results
Program and speeches for Indiana States fiftieth anniversary in 1920.
Indiana State University Archives
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Commencement Program
One Hundred and ThirteenthCommencementofRose-Hulman Institute ofTechnologyMay 25, 1991Commencement ProgramPrelude ...................... ......... ..... .............. .. ... ...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Commencement Program
~-Institute of TechnologyOne Hundred and Twenty-NinthCommencementMay 26,2007One Hundred and Twenty-NinthCommencementofRose-HulmanInstitute of Technology11 a.m., May 26, 2...
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Logan Library
A magazine dedicated to sharing the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
The experiences that we have spoken of as we look up at the starry sky at night, or, in the morning, as we see the landscape&...
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana
What DoYou Think?There are many importantissues facing North studentsin this new decade. However,even though the decade isnew, many of the issues...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
136.THE NORMAL ADVANCETeacher: Johnny, what is the shape of the
earth?Johnny: Round.Teacher: How do you know?Johnny: Oh well, ha...
and she leadeth me up the aisle
at church for her new hats sake.Yea, though I walk more than half the night
through dark rooms...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
The January 1998 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of th...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
years.This was the first time me or my dad had everpickled. I am proud that I was able to create this.--Fiona MartinWhats Happening at&...
Harmony School
No subjects listed
The April 2001 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&...
Northeast Indiana Diversity Library
A hot new collectiblederives from an oldhousehold item.Milk caps, known in someregions as pogs, originallycapped the bottles left bythe milkman but...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Gospel Trumpet - Publications of the Church of God 1881-1922
Carroll Rush was one of the Jeffersonville residents who stayed and volunteered as a rescue worker during the 1937 Ohio River Valley Flood.&...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library
Curbing chaos: University Police Department officers focus on safety, security of tailgaters more than arrests, citations for alcohol offenses; O...
Includes 72 Hours.
This archival material has been provided for educational purposes. Ball State University Libraries recognizes that some historic items may include off...
BSU Student Newspaper
Fujitsu fi-6770 scanner with ScandAll PRO and Adobe Acrobat XI using Color, 300 dpi, 24-bit
Explore SUSTAINABLE INDIANACelebrating Hoosier Solutions to Our Climate CrisisCELEBRATING 200 YEARS© 2016, Sustainable Indiana 2016, a project of Earth...
Fort Wayne Area Government Information
The wife of a city council member, Catherine Richardson describes the tense hours leading up to the Ohio River flooding the city of Jef...
Jeffersonville Township Public Library