THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY269Prichard, Mr. Dora G., A. B., pa RFD 2,Fillmore
taught Stilesville, five years
Bell Union, five years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher mathematics, Latin,principal, Jefferson township, consolidated high school, Fillmore.Prout, Dale, B. S., ha Jasonville
1929-1930 teacher industrialarts, Staunton.Puckett, Marcella Elaine, B. S., pa RFDA, Shelburn
1927-1928 teacher music,Hymera
1928-1930 teacher music, Lawrence county, Bedford.Purlee, Josie Estella, 2IG, pa 309 EastMulberry St., Salem
taught intermedi-ote grades, Easton, Illinois, five years,before graduation
1929-1930 teacherthird grade, Salem.Raab, Jessie, A. B., ha 326 East Kru-zan St., Brazil
pa Richmond
taughtrural grades, District 2, Brazil
grades,Starr School, Richmond, two years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher English, Hibberd Junior High School, Richmond.Race, John E., B. S., ha Barzil
pa 1218South 6th St., Evansville
1926-1930teacher industrial arts, Stonley HallSchool, Evansville.Radmacher, Thomas F., B. S., ha Laconia
pa Oaktown
1915-1926 teacherrural, elementary grades, Laconia
1926-1928 teacher grades five, six, Brook
1928-1929 student Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1929-1930teacher history, science, Oaktown.Rahe, Lena, 2P, ha 133 West CromwellSt., Aurora
pa Crawfordsville
taughtAurora, three years
1928-1930 teacherthird grade, Crawfordsville.Raines, Mary Ellen, 2IG, pa Shelburn
1924-1930 teocher grades, Shelburn.Rains, Dorothy C, 2IG, po Ladoga
taught grades, Byrd School, one year
1927-1930 teacher grades, Ladoga.Ransford, Raymond E., B. S., ha RFD 1,Box 142, Terre Haute
pa 1451 East86th St., Cleveland, Ohio
taught PrairieCreek township, two years
high school,Eaton, two years
commerce. EmpireHigh School, Cleveland, Ohio, one year,before graduation
1929-1930 teachercommerce, John Hay Commercial HighSchool, Cleveland, Ohio.Raum, Mildred M., 2IG, pa RFD 6, Bedford: 1926-1930 teacher elementarygrades, Be...
1918-1920 teacher history, mathematics, science, Paxton
1920-1926 teacher history, science,mathematics, athletics, Morocco
1925-1928 assistant principal, teacher history,mathematics, science, Remington
1928-1930 teacher history, Crawfordsville.Raybould, Emma Jane, A. B., pa 909East Notional Ave., Brazil
1929-1930teacher English, junior high school, Brazil.Rayboum, Russell H., B. S., ha Medary-vil.e
pa Attica
1929-1930 elementaryprincipal, Pine township, Warren county
for complete record see class of 1926.Ready, Amon P., 2IG, ha Decker
paHartford, 111.
taught grades, Knox county, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher history, mathematics, grades seven,eight. Wood River School Corporation,Hartford, 111.Ready, Raymond, A. B., pa 1823 WordenAve., Alton, 111....
1929-1930 supervising principal, junior high school, Alton, Illionis.Records, Mary Amour, A. B., pa 1300Fourth Ave., Terre Haute
taught mathematics, physical education, West TerreHaute and Waveland, three years beforegraduation
1929-1930 teacher ninthgrade English, McLean Junior HighSchool, Terre Haute.Reddish, Imogcne V., 2IG, ha RFD 7,Crawfordsville
pa Browns Valley
taught grades three, four, consolidatedschool, Browns Valley, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher grades four andfive, Browns Valley.Redford, Mrs. Hattie Dunlin, ha 127%Colfax Ave., South Bend
pa 1254 West25th St., Indianapolis
1929-1930 teacherdepartmental work, School 37, Indianapolis
for complete record see class 1920.Redman, Frances E., B. S., ha 643 Chestnut St., Terre Haute
pa 1592 Oak St.,Evanston, 111.
1929-1930 teacher physical education, Haven and Orringtonschools, Evanston, 111.Reeder, Ruth E., 2P, pa RFD 2, Clinton
1926-1929 teacher first grade, Universal
1929-1930 teacher first grade, Clinton.Reeds, Alice Ferol, B. S., ha Hindsboro,111.
pa Atwood, 111.
1929-1930 teachermusic, Atwood, 111.Retz, Bertha, A. B., pa 1448 ChestnutSt., Terre Haute
1929-1930 secretary tothe registrar, Indiana State TeachersCollege, Terre Haute.Reuter, Agnes J., B. S., pa RFD 6, Lafayette
1929-1930 at home and notteaching
for complete record see classof 1920.Reveal, Dorothy Alice, A. B., ha 2436North 11 St., Terre Haute
pa Coalmont
1929-1930 teacher algebra, Latin, Coalmont.Rice, Frances E., 2IG, pa RFD 7, Crawfordsville
1929-1930 teacher elementarygrades, Parkersburg.Rice, Sue E., A. B., ha RFD 3, Aurora
pa Mellott
taught rural schools, Ohiocounty, four years, before graduation
1929-1930 teacher mathematics, English,Mellott.Richardson, Blanche J., 2IG, pa 2216Third Ave., Terre Haute
1929-1930teacher history in grades, Deming School,Terre Haute
for complete record seeclass of 1928.Richardson, Janice, 2P, pa San Pierre
1922-1923 teacher grades, Walker township, Jasper county
1924-1925 teochergrades, Railroad township, Starke county
1925-1926 teacher grades. Walkertownship, Jasper county
1926-1927teacher grades, Kankakee township, Jasper county
1927-1930 teacher grades,Railroad township, Starke county.Riley, Anna, 2P, pa Paoli
taught gradeone, Chester, Illionis five years
gradeone, Des Plaines, Illinois, four years
1926-1930 teacher grade two, Paoli.Ringer, Faye Exline, 2IG, pa Sullivan
taught grades, Sullivan county, twelveyears, before graduation
1929-1930teacher departmental work, Sullivancounty.Ripple, Gwynth A., B. S., pa Staunton
1928-1930 teacher commerce, FrenchStaunton.Ritcheson, Ruth G., 2IG, pa 860 Elm St.,Clinton
1926-1929 teacher grades,Crompton Hill School, Vermillion county
1929-1930 teacher music, English,