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Showing 141 - 160 of 568 results
Title/Description Collection Subject Search Results - (( first 5 scene ...
Showing 141 - 160 of 568 results

  • The May 1999 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of the&#x...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library

  • One typed page including two portraits; biography of rose Melville, screen celebrity and originator of a new theater genre.

    ABASH VALLEY WP R O F I L E SA series of tributes to hometown heroes who have made a difference.Rose Melvilleor the first two ...

    Vigo County Historical Society

  • Edwin Coots, local undertaker and county coroner, was asked to take over as acting mayor during the weeks of the 1937 Ohio River Valley...

    Jeffersonville Township Public Library


    1927-1930 principal, high school,Shelbyville.Lover, Clarence, nr.McClanahan-Campbell, Mrs. Gladys, paPimento

    taught one year in countryschools, Vigo county

    two years in Pimento and three years in Farmersburgbefore graduation

    1915-1916 teacher ofgrades, Clinton

    1916-1917 teacher ofgrades, Muncie

    1917-1929 not teaching,homekeeper, married in 1917 to Ross G.Campbell.McClerney, Adelia, pa Evansville

    taughtprimary grades at Summitville beforegraduation

    1915-1917 teacher of primary grades, Evansville

    1917-1929 criticteacher, first grade, Evansville.•McCloud-Scott, Mrs. Pearl Ethel

    1915-1916 supply teacher, high school, Amo

    1916-1917 teacher, Mooresville

    1917-1922 teacher, high school, Martinsville

    1922-1927 married, at home, not teaching

    deceased 1927.McDonald, Louise, ha Indianapolis

    nr.McElroy, Lilia Ruth, ha Evansville

    1915-1920 teacher of grades, Evansville

    1920-1924 teacher of grades, Gary

    lr 1924.McFall-Small, Mrs. Rose, A. B., 141 y2Wabash Ave., Terre Haute

    for complete information, see class of 1912.McFarland, Claude O., A. B., ha Elon

    1915-1916 student, University of Chicago

    1916-1917 instructor in geologyand geography. University of Cincinnati

    summer of 1917 assistant in geographydepartment, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    lr 1917.McKeever-Jensen, Mrs. Helen F., pa 2219Crawford St., Terre Haute: 1915-1919teacher of city schools, Terre Haute

    1919-1928 not teaching, homekeeper,married to Otto Jensen.McQuinn-Ward, Mrs. Lenore Babcock, A.B., ha Toledo, Ohio

    1915-1916 director,Sandusky County Normal School, Green-spring, Ohio

    1916-1917 teacher of algebra, Greenspring, Ohio

    1917-1918county normal director

    1918-1923 received A. M. and Ph. D., University ofMichigan

    assistant in zoology department^ University of Michigan

    1922married to Henry T. Ward

    lr 1923.Mackell, James F., A. B., pa RFD A,Terre Haute

    for complete informationsee class of 1912.*Madden, Mona G., ha Princeton

    1914-1915 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1915-1918 teacher of grades, Francisco

    1918-1923 teacher of grades, Princeton

    1923-1924 did not teach because of poorhealth

    deceased.Maehling, Hildegarde, pa 1357 3rd Ave.,Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher at McKeen School, Terre Haute

    1916-192 3teacher in grades, Terre Haute

    1923-1924 critic teacher, Voorhees School,Terre Haute: 1926-1930 teacher, McLeanJunior High School, Terre Haute.Medsker, Sylvia, pa E. Lansing, Michigan, B...

    1915-1918 elementarygrades, Sullivan county

    1918-1927 teacher of home economics, high school, Sullivan county

    1927-1929 teacher of homeeconomics, Michigan State College, East1 ansing, Michigan

    received A. M.,Teachers College, Columbia University.Melton, Charles E., pa Walnut, Illinois

    1915-1917 teacher in high school, EastChicago

    1917-1918 teacher in highschool, Ottawa, Illinois

    1919-1920 Culver Military Academy, Culver

    1920-1921 teacher in high school, LcMars,Iowa: 1921-1929 superintendent ofschools. Walnut, Illinois.Melton, Monroe, A. B., pa Normal. Illinois

    for complete information, see classof 1911.Mercker, A. M., A. B„ pa 720 S. 22ndSt., Quincy, Illinois

    1915-1918 supervisor of industrial arts, high school.Peru: 1918-1929 teacher of mechanicaldrawing, high school, Quincy, Illinois.Michael, Mr. Joy E., ha&#x...


    1915-1916 supervisor ofmanual training, Bremen

    1916-1924manual training, Huntington

    1927-1929teacher of industrial arts, Huntington.Miller, Carl N., pa 1920 S. Center St..Terre Haute

    1915-1916 teacher in highschool, East Chicago

    1916-1930 insurance business, S. C. Miller & Sons, sixmonths in army.Moery, Otto E., A. B., pa 1421 N. 7thSt., Terre Haute

    for complete information see class of 1908.Montgomery, John E., pa DeKalk, Illinois

    1911-1915 teacher in New Winchester, Hendricks county

    1915-1917teacher in Tobinsport

    1917-1919 teacherin Arcadia

    1919-1920 teacher in Burlington, Illinois

    1920-1929 teacher inDeKalb, Illinois, student, Chicago University 1919-1921 and 1923.Mooney-Foltz, Mrs. Alma, pa 306 N. 3rdSt., Clinton

    1913-1914 teacher of grades,Clinton township schools before graduation

    1915-1916 teacher of grades, Clinton

    1917-1922 at home, not teaching

    1922-1926 teacher of grades, FairviewPark School, Clinton

    1926-1927 principal of grades, Crompton Hill, Clinton

    1927-1928 principal of Fairview School,Clinton

    attended Indiana State TeachersCollege, spring terms of 1925-1927.Moran, Dorothy, pa Bedford

    tr 1914-1919 principal, department school, Bedford

    1919-1929 principal, junior highschool, Bedford.Morrill, Clinton, A. B., pa 45 N. RitterAve., Indianapolis

    practicing law in Indianapolis

    for complete information seeclass of 1910.Mullins, Virgil R., pa 2215 S. 7th St.,Terre Haute

    1910-1911 teacher of elementary grades, Swayzee

    1911-1912student, normal school, Marion

    1912-1914 teacher of mathematics, and English, high school, Swayzee

    1914-1925superintendent of schools, Summitville

    1925-1930 director of extension, placement and alumni secretary, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    graduatestudent, Columbia University, graduatestudent, Indiana University.♦Nesbit, Grace Lois, ha 1902 N. CrossSt.. Sullivan

    1915-1916 teacher of mathematics, high school, Nashville

    1916-1918 teacher of science, East Chicago

    deceased 1918.♦Nichols, George Otha, ha Morocco

    1915-1916 superintendent of schools, Otter-bein

    1916-1918 superintendent ofschools, Pittsboro

    1918-1919 superintendent of schools, Brownsburg

    1919-1921 superintendent of schools, Morocco

    1923-1924 principal, high school, NewAugusta

    1925-1926 principal, We3t Lebanon

    1927-1928 graduate student, Indiana University

    deceased 1928.Nickels, Willard E., pa Lawrenceburg:1915-1927 superintendent of schools, Fulton

    1927-1929 principal, Bright School,

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY39CLASS OF 1899Allen, Nila F., nr.Anglemeyer, Thaddeus D., la Manila,P. I.

    for the past several years connected with United States Departmentof Education, Manila, P. I.Bays, L. E., nr.Berry, Clara Edna, pa Kokomo...

    1899-1901 taught grammar grades, Dann

    1901-1902 taught grammar grades, Rensselaer

    1902-1908 taught grammargrades, West Lafayette

    1908-1911 headof English department, West LafayetteHigh School

    1911-1913 attended Purdue University receiving B. S. degree1913-1915 head of domestic science department, Decatur High School andgrades

    1915-1930 head of domesticscience department, Kokomo High Schooland grades.Bland, Curtis, pa 85 Grant St., Yonkers,N. Y.

    1899-1901 superintendent ofschools, Newpoint

    1901-1902 superintendent of schools, Oaktown

    1902-1906studied medicine

    1906-1912 practicedmedicine, Greensburg

    1912-1916 practiced medicine, Preston, Idaho

    1916-1930 practicing medicine in New YorkCity.Bland-Giltner, Mrs. Hetty, pa 85 GrantSt., Yonkers, N. Y.

    1899-1900 teacher incity schools, Indianapolis

    received A.B. degree from Indiana University in1905

    1906-1930 married, at home, notteaching.♦Blair, John H., ha North Liberty

    189C-1916 teacher of grades

    last position,superintendent of schools, North Liberty

    deceased.Blessing, Edgar M., pa Danville: 1899-1901 taught in high school, Plainfield

    1905-1908 began to practice law in Danville

    1908-1912 served as prosecutingattorney, Danville

    1900 attended summer school, Cornell University

    1901clerk, Indiana Boys School and enteredUniversity of Michigan, law department

    graduated from University of Michigan,law department, LL. B. degree

    1912-1930 practicing law, Danville.Bower, Rose G., nr.Breeze, Frederick J., pa Muncie

    1899-1901 teacher of science, high school,Phoenix, Ariz.

    1901-1905 teacher ofscience, high schol, Delphi

    1905-1909superintendent of schools, Remington

    1910-1911 instructor in forestry, PurdueUniversity, Lafayette

    1911-1916 editorAmerican Book Company, New YorkCity

    1916-1918 graduate student, Indiana University

    acting assistant professor of geography, geology, Indiana StateTeachers College, Terre Haute

    1918-1930 professor of geography. Ball Teachers College, Muncie.Brooks, Charles, pa Washington, D. C.

    1899-1900 principal, Odon

    1900-1901principal, Flora

    1903-1905 assistant inbotany. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo.

    1906-1911 professor of botany,University of New Hampshire, Durham,N. H.

    1912-1930 department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.Brown, Fannie Belle, pa Carlisle

    1892-1893 teacher of rural school, Sullivancounty

    1893-1895 teacher of grades,Carlisle

    1895-1898 teacher of primarygrades, Fontanet

    1899-1900 teacher ofprimary grades, Newport

    1903-1904teacher of intermediate grades, Sullivan

    1904-1907 teacher of primarygrades, Indianapolis

    1907-1930 notteaching, at home

    1927-1928 student,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute

    attended University of Chicagosummers of 1904-1905.Bucher-Owen, Mrs. Arrabelle, nr.Burdette, Fielden C, pa RFD 1, Pendleton

    1899-1903 taught district schoolBin Madison county

    1903-1913 principalof grades in Pendleton schools

    1913-1916 farmer and stockman

    1916-1923managing a farm at Pendleton.Butler, Katherine, nr.Cady-Taylor, Mrs. Flora, nr.Coffman-Dui-ris, Mrs. Minnie, pa Clover-dale

    1899-1901 teacher in grades, Alexandria

    1901-1905 teacher in grades,Indianapolis

    1905-1911 teacher of mathematics and grades, Indianapolis

    1911-1929 not teaching

    married, at home inCJoverdalc.Clark, Jennie, pa Dale

    1881-1897 teacher in grades, Dale

    1900-1901 superintendent of schools, Dale

    1901-1902teacher in grades, Dale

    1902-1905teacher in grades, Lincoln City

    1905-1908 teacher in grades, Dale

    1908-1925teacher in high school, Dale

    1925-1930retired and living at home in Dale.Cooke-Matherson, Mrs. Frances, nr.Curtis-Westfall, Mrs. Frances, la 1838Portland Ave., Minneapolis, Minn.

    nr.Daugherty, Ora, la 301 South Main St.Monticello

    nr.Deist, Anna, nr.Dickey, Homer B., pa 5535 Enright Ave.,St. Louis, Mo.

    1900-1903 superintendent of schools. Greentown

    1903-1907superintendent of schools, Lowell

    1908A. B., Indiana University

    1908-1909superintendent of schools, Dwight, 111.

    1911-1916 principal of district schools,St. Louis, Mo.

    A. M. Columbia University 1914

    1929 principal at St. Louis,Mo.Dye, Oscar, la 1927 Park Ave., Indianapolis

    1899-1906 superintendent ofschools, Linton

    1906-1908 general agent,State Life Insurance Co., Linton, and inFlorida

    1908-1916 field supervisor, Indianapolis Life Insurance Co., Indianapolis

    lr 1916.Eddleman, John G., nr.Ellaberger, Frank, ha Center

    lr 1924farmer in Howard county.First, J. E., pa 566 Etna Ave., Huntington

    taught three years in countryschools and three years as principal oftownship high school before graduation

    1899-1902 principal at Monument City

    1902-1905 superintendent at Bipus

    1905-1912 superintendent at Markle

    1912-1913 cashier in bank until May1913

    1913-1918 office manager in department store

    Nov. 1918 to Jan. 1923general manager department store

    sinceJan. 1923, retired.Fisher, Elizabeth, nrFreeman, Daniel, la 711-7th St. Fargo,N. D.

    1899-1904 principal of wardschool and high school, Crawfordsville

    1904-1906 superintendent of schools,Darlington

    1906-1907 principal of Fair-mount Academy

    1907-1911 principal ofUnion High Academy, Westfield: 1911-professor of biology, Fargo College,Fargo, N. D.

    meantime six quarterswere spent in University of Chicago

    nr since 1911.Garrigus, John, pa 730 Collett Ave.,Terre Haute

    1900-1902 taught history.

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • A newsletter issued by the South Bend Turnverein, begun in September, 1937.

    Sec. 562, P. L. & R.~ SOUTH BEND TURNERVol. V Jan., 1942VALENTINE DANCESATURDAYFEBRUARY 14thSponsored by the Singing SectionMusic byOLD FASHIONED&...

    Local History

  • The December 2001 issue of the Rainbow Reader, published by the Up the Stairs Community Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The tagline of t...

    Northeast Indiana Diversity Library


    1925-1926 teacher, manual training,Walkerton

    1926-1927 not teaching onaccount of poor health

    1927-1928 teacher industrial arts and physical education, Belen, N. M.

    1928-1929 teacherindustrial arts, Gary.Bolenbaugh, Pearl, 2IG, ha Farmersburg

    1918-1919 teacher, grades, Sullivancounty

    1920-1922 teacher grades, Hymera

    1923-1928 teacher grades, Mishawaka.Booker, Ivah A., A. B., ha Carlisle


    1925-1926 superintendentof schools, West Union

    1926-1928 attending University of Chicago, 1928-1929 ward principal, Mishawaka.Bottorf, Carrie Lee, 2IG

    ha Charles-town

    taught four years, rural school,Charlestown township, before graduation

    1925-1930 teacher grades, city schools,Charlestown.•Brandenburg, Harry

    A. B., ha Mulberry

    deceased 1925

    nr.Bramblett, Ransom, A.B., ha Diamond

    pa Fairbanks

    1925-1926 teacher Mecca

    1926-1929 principal high school, Meccaand Tangier

    1929-1930 principal Fairbanks schools

    M. A. Indiana StateTeachers College 1929.Bright, Harold, A. B., ha Marshall, 111.

    pa Martinsville, 111.

    prior to graduationtaught in Clark and Cumberland countiesin Illinois as follows: one year in ruralschool, three years in graded schools,seven ye...

    1927-1930 superintendent ofschools, Martinsville, 111.

    received Ph.B. Westfield College in 1912: graduatestudent Indiana University

    M. A. Indiana State Teachers College 1929.Bryant, William H., 2M, pa 129 M> South7th St., Terre Haute

    1895-1921 professional orchestra and band director

    1898-1899 teacher, stringed instruments, BallTeachers College

    1899-1900 teicher, music, Anderson

    1904-1905 teacher stringed and brass instruments, VincennesUniversity

    1911-1921 private teacher ofmusic, Terre Haute

    1906-1911 theatreorchestra director, Terre Haute

    1921-1930 assistant professor of music, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute

    1926-1930 director of Terre HauteSymphony Orchestra, Terre Haute

    1929-1930 attended Syracuse University working on A. M.Buchanan, James, B. S., ha Darlington

    pa 144 West 49th St., Indianapolis

    1926-1929 teacher, industrial arts, public schools, Indianapolis.Bullington, Roy C, A. B., ha Fredericksburg

    1919-1921 teacher, grades, ruralschool, Washington county

    1921-1922principal, grades, Fredericksburg

    1924-1925 teacher, history and coach, Clear-spring schools, Mooney, Jackson county

    1926-1927 principal, high school, Rockport: 1927-1929 teacher, history, highschool, Cleveland, Ohio

    1929-1930 principal, Hardinsburg.Button, Elizabeth, 2IG, nr.Campbell, Mrs. Mary Amis, A. B., haClinton

    la Albuquerqeu, N. M.

    1925-1926 attended University of Chicago securing A. M. degree

    1926-1927 teacherWestern Springs, 111.

    1927-1928 teacher,Albuquerque. N. M.

    lr 1928.Carpentier, Harry F., A. B., ha Sullivan

    po West Lebonon: 1925-1926 teacher,Marshall, 111.

    1926-1930 principal, WestLebanon.Carpentier, Mrs. Kathryn, A. B., pa WestLebanon

    1926-1927 teacher, West Lebanon

    1927-1930 homekeeper.Carr-Jolly, Mrs. Dorothy

    B. S., ha RFD12, Box 200 L, Indianapolis

    pa 5053Grace St., Chicago, 111.

    1928-1929 proofreader, Master Reporting Company, Chicago, 111.

    for complete record see class1923.Carter, Elsie Mae, 2IG, ha Riley

    paRFD B, Terre Haute

    1925-1929 teacherelementary grades. Prairieton.Causey, Mrs. Velma, 2IG, ha Montezuma

    pa Rosedale

    1927-1929 teacher,elementary grades, Parke county.Chaney, Maude E„ 2P, ha Brazil

    1923-1925 teacher rural schools, Clay county

    1925-1926 teacher grades, Attica

    1926-1930 teacher grades, Alabama school,Brazil.Chestnut, Lulu, A. B., ha Odon

    1912-1918 teacher, grades, Daviess county

    1919-1929 teacher, Latin and home economics, high school, Epsom.Clements-Girton, Mrs. Violet, 2P, pa 808North Meridian St., Brazil

    pa same

    1918-1919 teacher in Clay county

    1919-1928 teacher, city schools, Brazil

    married summer of 1928 to Dale Girton

    1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper.Cockran, Kermit, B. S., ha 2208 North13% St., Terre Haute

    pa 201 North 6thSt., Marshall, 111.

    1925-1926 not teaching, at home

    1926-1927 teacher, scienceand girls physical education, Dugger:1927-1929 teacher, science and girlsphysical education, Marshall, 111.Colbert, Russell, A. B., ha...

    pa Washington

    1926-1927 teacher,Washington

    1927-1928 principal, highschool, Montgomery

    1928-1930 head,department of history, Washington.Cole, Mildred, B. S., ha Lawrenceburg

    pa same

    1926-1928 teacher, home economics and English, Lawrenceburg.Coleman, Mabel E., 2IG, ha Shelburn

    pa same

    1925-1929 teacher, grades,Shelburn.Combs, J. Harold, A. B., ha Koleen


    1926-1928 teacher, history.Midland

    1928-1930 teacher, history andcoach, Lakeville.Conover, Harry, B. S., ha 2230 North7th St., Terre Haute

    pa 1902 WabashAve., Terre Haute

    1925-1929 teacher,physical education and science, SarahScott Junior High School, Terre Haute.Coordes, Mary L., A. B., ha 1G24 South7th St. Terre Haute...

    pa same

    1925-1927teacher, commerce, high school, Veedersburg

    1927-1929 not teaching, at home.Cory-Callaway, Mrs. Gladys

    2IG, ha Mc-Cordsville

    pa Bowers

    1926-1927 teachergrades, Reelsville

    1927-1928 not teaching, homekeeper, married to Russell Callaway: 1928-1930 teacher of fourthgrade, Bowers.Crandall, William A., B. S., ha Dugger...

    pa 1611 First St., Bedford

    1922-1924teacher, mechanical drawing and machinewoodwork, elementary schools, Fallon,Nevada

    1924-1928 teacher, mechanicaldrawing, woodwork and electricity,Union High School, Dugger

    1928-1930teacher, vocational stone drafting andstone shop, Bedford.Cree, Glen M., A. B., ha Walton: paMishawaka

    1924-1927 teacher at Rus-

    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY55stitute, Brooklyn, New York

    1913-1914student, Columbia University

    receiveddepartmental certificate from TeachersCollege, Columbia University 1914

    1915-1916 extension worker in home economics

    1916 appointed director, domesticscience, LaPorte county

    lr 1916.Wisely, Nellie J„ la 1918, 2521 West40th St., Minneapolis, Minn.

    1902-1904teacher of grades, Huntington

    1902-1911 teacher of grades, Oak Park, 111.

    1911-1918 teacher of grades, Minneapolis, Minn.

    lr 1918.Wissler, William O., pa Richmond

    1902-1904 teacher in high school, CambridgeCity

    1904-1909 teacher in publicschools, Richmond

    1909-1911 principalhigh school, Madison

    1911-1916 headof history department, Richmond

    1916-1924 superintendent schools, Hagers-town

    1924-1929 teacher of history. Dennis Junior High School, Richmond.Woodward, Edward T., pa 2340 CollegeAve., Indianapolis

    taught in schools ofMorgan county from 1894-1900 beforegraduation

    1902-1904 ward principal,Brazil

    1904-1906 principal high school,Thorntown

    1907-1911 superintendentschools, Thorntown

    1911-1913 withreal estate firm, Martinsville

    1913-1927with First National Bank, Martinsville

    1927-1929 business and general work,Indiana and Florida: attended IndianaUniversity 1895, Chicago Universityspring of 1895 and summer of 1909 andVorhees&#x...

    1903-1904 attended University of Chicago

    1904-1910 teacher in grades, Indianapolis

    1910-1929 married to Mr. FredW. Kassebaum, Jr.

    not teaching, home-keeper

    took extension work in ButlerUniversity during two winters whileteaching.♦Beste, Alma, ha Mount Vernon

    deceased August 1908

    taught in IndianaState Teachers Training School until herdeath.Boyer-Fisher, Mrs. Bertha, pa Wapakon-eta, O.

    1903-1905 taught in the schoolsof Terre Haute

    1905-1929 married toCarl D. Fisher

    not teaching, home-keeper.Brooks, Ellwood E., pa Salem

    1903-1904 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Rensselaer

    1905-1906 student,Indiana University working on A.

    1907-1911 taught science inCentral High School, Madison, Wis.

    1911-1912 doing industrial work

    1912-1913 did graduate work at Cornell University

    1913-1921 industrial chemistBoston, Mass.

    1921-1929 principal highschool, Salem.Brown-Kelley, Mrs. Faith, pa 2123 North10th St., Terre Haute

    1903-1904 teacherof grades, Terre Haute

    1904-1905 student, Indiana University

    1905-1906teacher of grades, Terre Haute

    1906-1907 teacher of Latin, high school,Rensselaer

    1907-1909 teacher of Latin,Wiley High School, Terre Haute

    married to Chester Y. Kelley in 190D

    teaching Latin for past several years in Garfield High School.Bulleitt-Briscoe, Mrs. Harriet, pa Mississippi A and M College Campus, A andM Colle...

    1901-1902 teacher in ruralschools, Harrison county

    1903-1004teacher of grades, Middletown

    1905-1906 teacher of grades. New Albany

    1906-1913 teacher of grammar grades.New Albany

    1913-1920 supervisor penmanship and physical training. New Albany

    married to H. Gibbons, in 1920

    1924-1928 taught grade3 in New Albanyafter death of Mr. Gibbons, in 1924

    married to Dr. Charles F. Briscoe, bacteriologist at Mississippi A and M College in 1927

    since then not teaching,at home on the Mississippi A and M. College Campus

    attended summer terms,Zanirian College, Columbus, O.

    1913-1915 Ohio State University, summer1915

    Battle Creek, Mich., 1914.Bunce-Peters, Mrs. Carrie, la 819 LorelAve., Chicago, 111.

    lr 1911 homekeeper,Chicago, 111.Carpenter-Butsch, Mrs. Margaret 341Richmond Ave., Buffalo N. Y.

    1903-1904teacher grades, Elwood

    1904-1905 teacher grades, Terre Haute

    Married Dr. J.L. Butsch in 1903

    1905-1926 not teaching, homekeeper

    1926-1930 manager ofWomens Club, Buffalo, N. Y.Cushing, Wm. Seneca, pa 4712 SimpsonAve., Cincinnati, O.

    1903-1904 principalhigh school, Centerville

    1904-1905superintendent, Ossian

    1905-1906 student, Indiana University

    1906-1907physics, mathematics, Sullivan

    1907-1909 grade principal, Huntington

    1909-1911 student, Bradley Polytechnic Institute .Peoria, 111.

    1911-1919 teachingindustrial arts, Madisonville High School,Cincinnati, O.

    1919-1920, A. B. IndianaUniversity

    1920-1929 teaching mathematics, general science, Withrow HighSchool, Cincinnati, O.Dodson-Neyhouse, Mrs. Bertha, pa 2705South 7th St., Terre Haute

    1903-1911teacher of public schools, Indianapolis

    1911-1912 teacher in high school, Poscy-ville

    1912-1913 homekeeper, Poseyville

    1913-1929 teacher of grades, FairviewAnnex, Terre Haute

    married A. R. Ney-house 1911.Ducnweg, Julia H., pa 1314 South 7 thSt., Terre Haute

    1903-1913 taughtin public schools, Terre Haute

    1913-1930 assistant supervisor of art, publicschools, Terre Haute.Foust, Lois C, pa United States Veterans Hospital, 89, Rutland Heights,Mass.

    1904-1906 teacher in Kentiand

    1907-1909 taught grades, North Judson:1910-1916 principal high school, NorthJudson

    1926-1929 teacher, RutlandHeights, Mass.Ford, Alva H. pa 10G21 Hathaway Ave.,Cleveland, O.

    taught five years in ruralschools, Sullivan county, before graduation

    1905-1907 superintendent schools,New Market

    1907-1909 student WabashCollege, A. B. and A. M.

    1909-1915 instructor mathematics, Western ReserveUniversity, Cleveland, O.

    1915-1930 instructor mathematics, city Bchools,Cleveland, Ohio

    extension courses inCleveland Normal School

    graduateUniversity of Chicago, five quarters.♦Freeman, Gertrude, ha 402 WestThompson St., Sullivan


    Indiana State University Archives
    No subjects listed

  • An employee newsletter.

    theOLIVER MIRRORVOLUME 2, No. 3-A·A. KING McCORDIii:J .M....r..(. n. ,,,. r..t.l.Elected ExecutiveVice PresidentCHICAGO, ILL., March 28. - Theelection...

    Business & Industry