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THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY55stitute, Brooklyn, New York 1913-1914student, Columbia University receiveddepartmental certificate from TeachersCollege, Columbia University 1914 1915-1916 extension worker in home economics 1916 appointed director, domesticscience, LaPorte county lr 1916.Wisely, Nellie J„ la 1918, 2521 West40th St., Minneapolis, Minn. 1902-1904teacher of grades, Huntington 1902-1911 teacher of grades, Oak Park, 111. 1911-1918 teacher of grades, Minneapolis, Minn. lr 1918.Wissler, William O., pa Richmond 1902-1904 teacher in high school, CambridgeCity 1904-1909 teacher in publicschools, Richmond 1909-1911 principalhigh school, Madison 1911-1916 headof history department, Richmond 1916-1924 superintendent schools, Hagers-town 1924-1929 teacher of history. Dennis Junior High School, Richmond.Woodward, Edward T., pa 2340 CollegeAve., Indianapolis taught in schools ofMorgan county from 1894-1900 beforegraduation 1902-1904 ward principal,Brazil 1904-1906 principal high school,Thorntown 1907-1911 superintendentschools, Thorntown 1911-1913 withreal estate firm, Martinsville 1913-1927with First National Bank, Martinsville 1927-1929 business and general work,Indiana and Florida: attended IndianaUniversity 1895, Chicago Universityspring of 1895 and summer of 1909 andVorhees Business College, summer 1906.Wright-Graves, Mrs. Myrtle A., nr.CLASS OF 1903Berry-Kassebaum, Mrs. Pearl, pa MountWashington Blvd., Baltimore, Md. 1903-1904 attended University of Chicago 1904-1910 teacher in grades, Indianapolis 1910-1929 married to Mr. FredW. Kassebaum, Jr. not teaching, home-keeper took extension work in ButlerUniversity during two winters whileteaching.♦Beste, Alma, ha Mount Vernon deceased August 1908 taught in IndianaState Teachers Training School until herdeath.Boyer-Fisher, Mrs. Bertha, pa Wapakon-eta, O. 1903-1905 taught in the schoolsof Terre Haute 1905-1929 married toCarl D. Fisher not teaching, home-keeper.Brooks, Ellwood E., pa Salem 1903-1904 teacher of mathematics, highschool, Rensselaer 1905-1906 student,Indiana University working on A. 1907-1911 taught science inCentral High School, Madison, Wis. 1911-1912 doing industrial work 1912-1913 did graduate work at Cornell University 1913-1921 industrial chemistBoston, Mass. 1921-1929 principal highschool, Salem.Brown-Kelley, Mrs. Faith, pa 2123 North10th St., Terre Haute 1903-1904 teacherof grades, Terre Haute 1904-1905 student, Indiana University 1905-1906teacher of grades, Terre Haute 1906-1907 teacher of Latin, high school,Rensselaer 1907-1909 teacher of Latin,Wiley High School, Terre Haute married to Chester Y. Kelley in 190D teaching Latin for past several years in Garfield High School.Bulleitt-Briscoe, Mrs. Harriet, pa Mississippi A and M College Campus, A andM College P. O., Oktibbeha county.Miss. 1901-1902 teacher in ruralschools, Harrison county 1903-1004teacher of grades, Middletown 1905-1906 teacher of grades. New Albany 1906-1913 teacher of grammar grades.New Albany 1913-1920 supervisor penmanship and physical training. New Albany married to H. Gibbons, in 1920 1924-1928 taught grade3 in New Albanyafter death of Mr. Gibbons, in 1924 married to Dr. Charles F. Briscoe, bacteriologist at Mississippi A and M College in 1927 since then not teaching,at home on the Mississippi A and M. College Campus attended summer terms,Zanirian College, Columbus, O. 1913-1915 Ohio State University, summer1915 Battle Creek, Mich., 1914.Bunce-Peters, Mrs. Carrie, la 819 LorelAve., Chicago, 111. lr 1911 homekeeper,Chicago, 111.Carpenter-Butsch, Mrs. Margaret 341Richmond Ave., Buffalo N. Y. 1903-1904teacher grades, Elwood 1904-1905 teacher grades, Terre Haute Married Dr. J.L. Butsch in 1903 1905-1926 not teaching, homekeeper 1926-1930 manager ofWomens Club, Buffalo, N. Y.Cushing, Wm. Seneca, pa 4712 SimpsonAve., Cincinnati, O. 1903-1904 principalhigh school, Centerville 1904-1905superintendent, Ossian 1905-1906 student, Indiana University 1906-1907physics, mathematics, Sullivan 1907-1909 grade principal, Huntington 1909-1911 student, Bradley Polytechnic Institute .Peoria, 111. 1911-1919 teachingindustrial arts, Madisonville High School,Cincinnati, O. 1919-1920, A. B. IndianaUniversity 1920-1929 teaching mathematics, general science, Withrow HighSchool, Cincinnati, O.Dodson-Neyhouse, Mrs. Bertha, pa 2705South 7th St., Terre Haute 1903-1911teacher of public schools, Indianapolis 1911-1912 teacher in high school, Poscy-ville 1912-1913 homekeeper, Poseyville 1913-1929 teacher of grades, FairviewAnnex, Terre Haute married A. R. Ney-house 1911.Ducnweg, Julia H., pa 1314 South 7 thSt., Terre Haute 1903-1913 taughtin public schools, Terre Haute 1913-1930 assistant supervisor of art, publicschools, Terre Haute.Foust, Lois C, pa United States Veterans Hospital, 89, Rutland Heights,Mass. 1904-1906 teacher in Kentiand 1907-1909 taught grades, North Judson:1910-1916 principal high school, NorthJudson 1926-1929 teacher, RutlandHeights, Mass.Ford, Alva H. pa 10G21 Hathaway Ave.,Cleveland, O. taught five years in ruralschools, Sullivan county, before graduation 1905-1907 superintendent schools,New Market 1907-1909 student WabashCollege, A. B. and A. M. 1909-1915 instructor mathematics, Western ReserveUniversity, Cleveland, O. 1915-1930 instructor mathematics, city Bchools,Cleveland, Ohio extension courses inCleveland Normal School graduateUniversity of Chicago, five quarters.♦Freeman, Gertrude, ha 402 WestThompson St., Sullivan 1903-1910 |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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