1925-1926 teacher, manual training,Walkerton
1926-1927 not teaching onaccount of poor health
1927-1928 teacher industrial arts and physical education, Belen, N. M.
1928-1929 teacherindustrial arts, Gary.Bolenbaugh, Pearl, 2IG, ha Farmersburg
1918-1919 teacher, grades, Sullivancounty
1920-1922 teacher grades, Hymera
1923-1928 teacher grades, Mishawaka.Booker, Ivah A., A. B., ha Carlisle
1925-1926 superintendentof schools, West Union
1926-1928 attending University of Chicago, 1928-1929 ward principal, Mishawaka.Bottorf, Carrie Lee, 2IG
ha Charles-town
taught four years, rural school,Charlestown township, before graduation
1925-1930 teacher grades, city schools,Charlestown.•Brandenburg, Harry
A. B., ha Mulberry
deceased 1925
nr.Bramblett, Ransom, A.B., ha Diamond
pa Fairbanks
1925-1926 teacher Mecca
1926-1929 principal high school, Meccaand Tangier
1929-1930 principal Fairbanks schools
M. A. Indiana StateTeachers College 1929.Bright, Harold, A. B., ha Marshall, 111.
pa Martinsville, 111.
prior to graduationtaught in Clark and Cumberland countiesin Illinois as follows: one year in ruralschool, three years in graded schools,seven ye...
1927-1930 superintendent ofschools, Martinsville, 111.
received Ph.B. Westfield College in 1912: graduatestudent Indiana University
M. A. Indiana State Teachers College 1929.Bryant, William H., 2M, pa 129 M> South7th St., Terre Haute
1895-1921 professional orchestra and band director
1898-1899 teacher, stringed instruments, BallTeachers College
1899-1900 teicher, music, Anderson
1904-1905 teacher stringed and brass instruments, VincennesUniversity
1911-1921 private teacher ofmusic, Terre Haute
1906-1911 theatreorchestra director, Terre Haute
1921-1930 assistant professor of music, Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute
1926-1930 director of Terre HauteSymphony Orchestra, Terre Haute
1929-1930 attended Syracuse University working on A. M.Buchanan, James, B. S., ha Darlington
pa 144 West 49th St., Indianapolis
1926-1929 teacher, industrial arts, public schools, Indianapolis.Bullington, Roy C, A. B., ha Fredericksburg
1919-1921 teacher, grades, ruralschool, Washington county
1921-1922principal, grades, Fredericksburg
1924-1925 teacher, history and coach, Clear-spring schools, Mooney, Jackson county
1926-1927 principal, high school, Rockport: 1927-1929 teacher, history, highschool, Cleveland, Ohio
1929-1930 principal, Hardinsburg.Button, Elizabeth, 2IG, nr.Campbell, Mrs. Mary Amis, A. B., haClinton
la Albuquerqeu, N. M.
1925-1926 attended University of Chicago securing A. M. degree
1926-1927 teacherWestern Springs, 111.
1927-1928 teacher,Albuquerque. N. M.
lr 1928.Carpentier, Harry F., A. B., ha Sullivan
po West Lebonon: 1925-1926 teacher,Marshall, 111.
1926-1930 principal, WestLebanon.Carpentier, Mrs. Kathryn, A. B., pa WestLebanon
1926-1927 teacher, West Lebanon
1927-1930 homekeeper.Carr-Jolly, Mrs. Dorothy
B. S., ha RFD12, Box 200 L, Indianapolis
pa 5053Grace St., Chicago, 111.
1928-1929 proofreader, Master Reporting Company, Chicago, 111.
for complete record see class1923.Carter, Elsie Mae, 2IG, ha Riley
paRFD B, Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacherelementary grades. Prairieton.Causey, Mrs. Velma, 2IG, ha Montezuma
pa Rosedale
1927-1929 teacher,elementary grades, Parke county.Chaney, Maude E„ 2P, ha Brazil
1923-1925 teacher rural schools, Clay county
1925-1926 teacher grades, Attica
1926-1930 teacher grades, Alabama school,Brazil.Chestnut, Lulu, A. B., ha Odon
1912-1918 teacher, grades, Daviess county
1919-1929 teacher, Latin and home economics, high school, Epsom.Clements-Girton, Mrs. Violet, 2P, pa 808North Meridian St., Brazil
pa same
1918-1919 teacher in Clay county
1919-1928 teacher, city schools, Brazil
married summer of 1928 to Dale Girton
1928-1930 not teaching, homekeeper.Cockran, Kermit, B. S., ha 2208 North13% St., Terre Haute
pa 201 North 6thSt., Marshall, 111.
1925-1926 not teaching, at home
1926-1927 teacher, scienceand girls physical education, Dugger:1927-1929 teacher, science and girlsphysical education, Marshall, 111.Colbert, Russell, A. B., ha...
pa Washington
1926-1927 teacher,Washington
1927-1928 principal, highschool, Montgomery
1928-1930 head,department of history, Washington.Cole, Mildred, B. S., ha Lawrenceburg
pa same
1926-1928 teacher, home economics and English, Lawrenceburg.Coleman, Mabel E., 2IG, ha Shelburn
pa same
1925-1929 teacher, grades,Shelburn.Combs, J. Harold, A. B., ha Koleen
1926-1928 teacher, history.Midland
1928-1930 teacher, history andcoach, Lakeville.Conover, Harry, B. S., ha 2230 North7th St., Terre Haute
pa 1902 WabashAve., Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacher,physical education and science, SarahScott Junior High School, Terre Haute.Coordes, Mary L., A. B., ha 1G24 South7th St. Terre Haute...
pa same
1925-1927teacher, commerce, high school, Veedersburg
1927-1929 not teaching, at home.Cory-Callaway, Mrs. Gladys
2IG, ha Mc-Cordsville
pa Bowers
1926-1927 teachergrades, Reelsville
1927-1928 not teaching, homekeeper, married to Russell Callaway: 1928-1930 teacher of fourthgrade, Bowers.Crandall, William A., B. S., ha Dugger...
pa 1611 First St., Bedford
1922-1924teacher, mechanical drawing and machinewoodwork, elementary schools, Fallon,Nevada
1924-1928 teacher, mechanicaldrawing, woodwork and electricity,Union High School, Dugger
1928-1930teacher, vocational stone drafting andstone shop, Bedford.Cree, Glen M., A. B., ha Walton: paMishawaka
1924-1927 teacher at Rus-