Search Results - (( echo rock hill...
Showing 1 - 20 of 66 results
Search Results - (( echo rock hill...
Showing 1 - 20 of 66 results
Sam DeVincent Collection of American Sheet Music
Caption with positives reads: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening...
Phoenix Theatre
Caption with positives reads: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening...
Phoenix Theatre
Caption with positives reads: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening...
Phoenix Theatre
Caption with positives reads: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening...
Phoenix Theatre
Caption with positives reads: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening...
Phoenix Theatre
On back: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening on September 6gh...
Phoenix Theatre
Caption with positives reads: Rich Komenich portrays the donut-guzzling Wall Street take-over artist in Jerry Sterners Other Peoples Money opening...
Phoenix Theatre
Popular music song folios from the C. Weir Kirk Collection of Sheet Music, which is part of the Historic Music Collections. These folios,...
Indiana State University Library
One typed page, includes a picture of Indiana States 1951 Pan American Games Representatives -- Clif Murray, Tom Kern, Coach John Longfellow,...
Vigo County Historical Society
f1 1/ A®VARSITY AND RESERVE GRIDDERS: First row: Howard English, Bobby Dodds, Harold Pate, TerryThompson, Dick Head, Gene Reese, Kenny&...
University High School
No subjects listed
Bottom row, left to right: Chuck Mitchell, Kenny Corbin, Fred Norris, Jim Rich, Roger Fritch, Danny Beyers, Gary Clendening, Bill Bruce.Second...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Iy !eMembers of the University School Band, which played and marched at our home games this year, are pictured above.First row: Majoret...
University High School
No subjects listed
Off-and-on-games, overtimesPlague eagers. Coach ai Gallo’s1958-59 basketball squad posted what appearsto be a dismal 4-15 mark, dropping two doubleoverti...
University High School
No subjects listed
Service to the schooTorch Club. Row one: JackWalker, Martin Stewart, Kenneth Corbin, Jimmy Simpson,Danny Chandler, Jim Strain,Jimmy Waldon, Tommy Bie-...
Bloomington High School
No subjects listed
Caption with positives reads: Diane Gadomski consoles Hugh Watson after his company was bought out in a hostile take-over in Other Peoples...
Phoenix Theatre
Caption with positives reads: Diane Gadomski consoles Hugh Watson after his company was bought out in a hostile take-over in Other Peoples...
Phoenix Theatre
ThespiansFirst row: George Spangler, DudleyAppleman, Dick Anderson, Mr. Waistrum, Susie KeckSecond row: Dave Sonneborn, JaneHicks, Francey Allen, Kathie...
University High School
No subjects listed
wIIvFJt8F ■■■■ - W ;r■B-Af<V-.V-lMM* i*1. a*au . <.’ ‘IF**v ...1Wfe, ■ <Mi••...
University High School
No subjects listed
Drama and SAFE Clubs: Active Indoors and OutPollution! Dirt! Noise! Over population! These werejust a few of the enemies that ...
Edgewood High School
No subjects listed