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Showing 1 - 20 of 660 results
Search Results - (( e horse park r...
Showing 1 - 20 of 660 results
A photograph showing hand method of assembling a 105 MM howitzer charge. Photograph taken in March 1955 at Indiana Arsenal in Charlestown, I...
Clark County Collections
A photograph of the conventional booth using a hand dip method of loading increments for 105 MM howtizer. Photograph taken in March 1955...
Clark County Collections
A photograph showing booth 9 dip method for loading increments for the 105 MM howitzer. Photograph taken in March 1955 at Indiana Arsenal...
Clark County Collections
A photograph showing how kegs of black powder were transported on push carts to the opening room. Photograph taken in March 1955 at Ind...
Clark County Collections
A photograph showing how a person would transport finished black powder charges to the magazine house using a push cart. There were covered&...
Clark County Collections
A photograph showing the transporting operation for raw powder from magazine to loading house. Photograph taken in March 1955 at Indiana Arsenal&...
Clark County Collections
INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 17TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE COURSE.The regular course of instruction can be completed by a student
of average&...
if males,
eighteen. They must possess good moral character and average
intellectual ability. If residents of Indiana, they must promise
to ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
JO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE COUESE.The course of instruction can be completed by a student of average
ability, who...
if males, eighteen.
They must possess good moral character and average intellectual
ability. If residents of Indiana, they must promise to te...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
24 STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.They must pass a fair examination in Reading, Spelling,
Geography, and Arithmetic through Percentage. They must
write a...
by abler students in less time.It is not necessary that the student should prosecute his stu¬
dies during consecutive terms. He may a...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
^^Seniors Emily Moore andHallie Geyh perform duringMy Fair Lady.Senior Annie Walters performs as Eliza Dolittle during the spring musical. Walter...
Bloomington High School North
No subjects listed
114THE NORMAL ADVANCEMisses Lotta Day, Ruth Alexander and IreneFerguson spent Christmas week in Bedford.The committee on graduation requirement isthinking ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
A photograph of hand cutting circle end pieces for a 155 MM howitzer M4A1. Photograph taken in March 1955 at Indiana Arsenal in Charles...
Clark County Collections
THE NORMAL ADVANCE67changes we read the authors account of the
lamentable fact that good discipline was not
maintained during chapel exercises....
but a few resolutions made
then and lived accordingly are better than none
made at all. Be a disciple of the doctrine of
the ...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
A photograph showing a person operating the automatic unit that folded, tube sewed and cut the cloth for hand grenade bags. Photograph taken...
Clark County Collections
A photograph showing one employee doing cross sewing and another inspecting bags for hand grenades. Photograph taken in March 1955 at Indiana...
Clark County Collections
A photograph of finished howitzer ordnance in a packing crate on a pallet being moved by a hand fork truck. This was at Indiana Ar...
Clark County Collections
INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 71blanks supplied at the Librarians desk, they may be taken fromthe room for a period of from one day to...
you are to lookfor psychology after the same manner you found Wallace, andwill then find what the library is able to furnish. Once more...
Indiana State University Archives
No subjects listed
The stories in the book began during 2006, when I spent ten weeks in Palestine. During much of that time, I was living in a M...
Herron Library Fine Press and Book Arts Collection
In the end, it [DanceMarathon] madeeverything I worked onfor the past twoyears real.- senior Tori ChampionnE1111. Triumphantly holding the banner...
Bloomington High School South
No subjects listed
Danny is writing from Korea after the war is over. He says everyone enjoys reading the Speed-O-Meter newsletter. Now that it is too col...
Clark County Collections