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Description: 114THE NORMAL ADVANCEMisses Lotta Day, Ruth Alexander and IreneFerguson spent Christmas week in Bedford.The committee on graduation requirement isthinking of asking Miss Ruth Alexander totake some more gym.Miss Gertrude Freed spent Christmas at herhome near Orleans.Miss Ethyl Gladden of Whiting, did not return to school this term. Those who havenoticed Miss Gladdens left hand have beenwondering why.Miss Hallie Farmer was ill most of the firstweek of school this year.Miss Solre Small spent the holidays at herhome in Elwood.Miss Hazel Schaper is attending IndianaUniversity.The new editor of this department wishes tocall attention to the small number of times shehas mentioned the name, Bedford. As shewas just recently put on the staff and is natu-ally timid, she knew very little news, but homenews, and anyway, she thinks there is nothinglike boosting your home city, even if it isa rocky town. However, she is very generous, big enough, and perfectly wdlling to giveyour place of residence a boost next time, ifyou kindly give her items.Profs. Bogardus, Lynch and Roll attendedthe meeting of the American Historical Association, held at Chicago, Dec. 28-30. They report an interesting meeting.Halcie Fair, a former I. S. N. graduate, andM. S. Hallman, principal of the ConnersvilleHigh School, were married during the Christmas holidays. They will live in Connersville.Professor Stalker is on a leave of absenceduring this term. While away he is studyingin Columbia University.Miss Audrey Baumgardner has re-enteredschool this term.And if sometimes commingled with lifes wineWe find the wormwood and rebel and shrink,Be sure a wiser hand than yours or minePoured out this potion for our souls to drink.And if some friend you love is lying lowWhere human kisses can not reach his faceOh do not blame the Heavenly Father so,But wear your sorrow with obedient grace.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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