THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY1371927 Sc. D., Johns Hopkins UniversitySchool of Hygiene and Public Health:1930 professor of biology and physiology, Ball Teacher...
pa St.Regis Apt., 14th and Penn. St., Indianapolis
1917-1918 teacher of grades andathletics, high school, Wingate: 1918-1929 manager of fathers farm
nowenrolled in the Indiana Central BusinessSchool.BaHc, Ernestine, la 1347 First Ave.,Terre Haute
1914-1918 teacher ofgrades, McKeen school, Terre Haute
married, homekeeper
lr 1918.Barton, Louise F., pa 1209 HaydenAve., Cleveland, Ohio
1917-1924 teacher of third grade, public schools, Cleveland, Ohio
1925-1929 teacher in publicschools of Cleveland, Ohio.Bayh, Birch Evans, A. B. pa 242 BartonAve., Terre Haute
1917-1918 directorphysical education, Indiana State Teachers College
1918-1919 in the army
1919-1923 physical education teacher,Indiana State Teachers College
1923-1929 physical director of city schools,Terre Haute.Beall-Jones, Mrs. Anna Maude
ha 466South 25th St., Terre Haute
pa 2916E New York, Indianapolis
1917-1922teacher grades, Terre Haute
1922-1929not teaching, homekeeper, married toHarley R. Jones.Bell, Ellis H., pa Liberty
1917-1918teacher in Ft. Branch
1918-1922 teacher in Rising Sun
1922-1930 superintendent of schools. Liberty.Bell-Corbin, Mrs. Pauline, pa JohnsonCity, 111.
1917-1920 teacher in WarrenSchool, Terre Haute
1922-1929 notteaching at home.Bell, William H., pa 4006 Elsmere Ave,Norwood, Ohio
1917-1918 student Indiana University A. M.
1918-1919 chemist. The Ault & Wiborge Co., Cincinnati
1919-1930 secretary and treasurer,The Coleman & Bell Company, Norwood,Chio
fellow in chemistry, Indiana University 1917-1918
Baldwin fellow inbacteriology, University of Cincinnati,1919-1920
1921-1922-1923.Bickell, Bertha Edna, ha 40 % South13th St., Terre Haute
1917-1919 taughtfourth, fifth and sixth grades, Vermillion, 111.
1919-1924 taught grade work-South Bend.Einford, H. Emory A. B. pa 201 SouthBirchwood Ave., Louisville, Ky.
1929-1930 director of instruction, secondaryeducation, city schools, Louisville, Ky.
for complete record see class 1915.Black-Reece, Mary, ha Dupont, nr.♦Borum, Ruth M., ha Wingate
1917teacher of history, high school, WestPoint
1917-1924 assistant principalJackson township high school
1925-1929teacher in high school, Linden
died Feb.3, 1930.Boston, Paul F., A. B. pa Edinburg
1914-1917 teacher of mathematics,Blackhawk
1917-1918 principal highschool. Blackhawk
1918-1921 principalhigh school, Edinburg
1921-1929 superintendent schools, Edinburg: attendedColumbia University summer terms, received A. M. in 1925.Brandon, Ava M., pa Muncie
1917-1918teacher of fifth and sixth grades, Sulphur Spring
1918-1929 departmentalgeography and history, Muncie.Bovenschen-Pope, Mrs. Grace, pa RFD 4box 101, Linton
1917-1922 teacher ingrades, Linton
1922-1926 married in1922, at home
did not teach: 1926-1929 teacher in Stockton township, Linton.Boyer-Rhodes, Mrs. Ruth, pa 306 EastWashington St., Attica
1916-1918teacher in Attica public schools
1918-1919 teacher in King Classical School
1919-1920 teacher in Terre Hauteschools
1920-1924 married
1926-1929 married, residing in Attica.Brennen, Lotus D., pa Maywood, 111.
1920-1929 teacher manual arts. May-wood, Illinois public schools.Brown-Ray, Mrs. Floy, pa RFD 1, Holland, Ohio
1917-1918 teacher of grades.Riley
1918-1923 teacher in Vigo countyschools
supply teacher in Terre Hautecity schools for ten weeks
at home, not teaching.Brown, J. J. William, A. B. pa ValleyMills, 1929-1930 principal, high schoolValley Mills, Marion county
for complete record see class of 1915.Brown-Dicks, Mrs. Octavia, pa Kempton:1915-1916 teacher of grades Piersontownship, Vigo county
1915-1917 student State Teachers College, TerreHaute
1917-1919 teacher of grades,Elkhart
1919-1920 teacher of grades,Crawfordsville
1921-1922 teacher ofEnglish and algebra .high school, Blackhawk
1922-1925 teacher of mathematics, high school, New Goshen
1925-1926 student State Teachers College,Terre Haute
B. S.
1926-1927 teacherof mathematics and history, high school,Pimento
1927-1928 teacher of mathematics, high school, Owensville
1928-1929 married to J. D. Dicks
homekeeperand substitute teacher, high school,Kempton.Brumbaugh, Lloyd S., A. B. pa Kendall-ville
1911-1913 teacher in district 4,Union township, Huntington county
1913-1915 teacher, Warren
1919-1920principal high school, West Middleton
1920-1922 principal Dallas township andAndrews high school, Andrews
1922-1929 principal high school, Kendallville.Brunegraff, Herman R., pa Petroleum
1917-1918 teacher of history and principal high school, Andrews: 1918-1919in the army
1919-1920 teacher in Andrews
1920-1921 teacher in publicschools of Tocsin
1921-1923 principalCowan High School. Cowan
1923-1921principal Gaston High School, Gaston
1926-1929 principal Petroleum publicschools.Brunner, Edna M., pa 1223 South Governor St., Evansville
1917-1924 teach-ernor St., Evansville
1917-1929 teacherin grades. Evansville.Butler, Edna, ha 441 South WebsterAve., Irvington
lr 1917 teacher in district school, Rushville.Carmichael, Harley F., A. B. pa 1820North Church St., Decatur, 111.
1917-1918 principal Dunfee School, Decatur.111.
1919-1920 principal Central HighSchool, Decatur, 111.
1921-1929 principalRoosevelt Junior High School, Decatur,111.
attended University of Chicago,summer 1921 to 1926, M. A.Clements, Leo P., ha Plainville: 1912-1916 teacher of rural schools, Daviesscounty...
1916-1917 teacher in highschool, DePauw
1917-1918 principal