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Search Results - (( a state street...
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 27ATTENTIONIs called to the following points:1. Tuition is free.2. The instruction is systematic, philosophic and organic.3. The&...
to practice
teaching under criticism until they can plan and conduct reci¬
tations and manage classes efficiently.6. Successful undergraduates obt...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.41There arc transition periods in the growth of a mind.
Human nature is the same in all ages of the world...
but not at
all ages of the individual. There is a time when sense percep¬
tion, a time when memory and imagination, and a ...
that its field is
occupied by no other school
that it is the rival of no other
that its specific function is an important one i
i the
School System of the State.OUTLINE OF THE IDEA.First—Students enter by examination, and are classed accord¬
ing to ability ...
if they have not, after a fair trial,
they are kindly notified that it will be better to try some other
occupation.Third—Study of...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCILOOL.41OUTLINE OF THE IDEA.First—Students enter by examination, and are classed according
to ability and attainments.Second—Students...
if they have not, after a fair trial, they are
kindly notified that it will be better to try some other occupation.Third—Study of...
(1) physical
(2) intellectual
(3) moral
(4) aesthetic,
(c) Methods by which each kind is secured.
Fifth—Examination of School studies, with a view of determin¬ ...
Indiana State University Archives
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20STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.REMARKS.1. For the benefit of those teachers who can attend the Nor¬
mal School but one term, and who are quali...
which course will be such as shall best meet the
wants of the classes entering at the time.2. It is important that every student ...
Indiana State University Archives
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S3. 1ST. S3.FRANK RAWDON HIGGINS.Professor Higgins graduated from Acadia University in 1891 and was appointed teacher of Scienceand Mathematics in the...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.l9SPECIAL ATTENTIONis called to the following points:1. Tuition is free, and there are no incidental fees.2. The instruction ...
to practice teach¬
ing under criticism until they can plan and conduct recitations
nad manage classes efficiently.6. Successful undergraduates obt...
Indiana State University Archives
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10. It is important that every student expecting to attend the
Normal School should be present the first day of the term, that all...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.19SPECIAL ATTENTIONis called to the following points :1. Tuition is free, and there are no incidental fees.2. The instruction...
to practice teaching
under criticism until they can plan and conduct recitations and
manage classes efficiently.6. Successful undergraduates obtain goo...
Indiana State University Archives
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22INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.schools which form a part of the Normal School are a part
of the public schools of the city of Terre...
if males,
eighteen. They must possess good moral character and average
intellectual ability. If residents of Indiana, they must promise
to ...
Indiana State University Archives
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ANNUAL REGISTER. , 29The citizens are in hearty sympathy with the school, and friends
of the students. Society is of the best. Numerous...
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 43By a rule of the Board of Trustees, satisfactory evidence of
twelve months successful experience in teaching, af...
said license having been issued within the five years next pre¬
ceding the date of Commencement for the given year. Or that
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 19ATTENTIONIs called to the following statements :1. Tuition is free.2. The instruction is thorough and organic.3. T...
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 17TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE COURSE.The regular course of instruction can be completed by a student
of average&...
if males,
eighteen. They must possess good moral character and average
intellectual ability. If residents of Indiana, they must promise
to ...
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 75shall confer upon them, which diploma shall be considered sufficient evidence of qualification to teach in any of&...
said license having been issued within the five years next preceding the date of commencement for the given year. Or thatsuch person shall...
from this alone they derive theirauthority, and not from the teachers will and utterance. Asystem of school regulations which aims only at a...
Indiana State University Archives
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34THE NORMAL ADVANCEdetermined. At the river, he met Labor Agent,who, in a sneering manner said:You are a pretty fellow. Just because youdid...
Indiana State University Archives
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INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 15The following letter from Professor W. H. Payne, of the Chair
of Education in Michigan University, to our S...
the facilities
it offers for the professional training of teachers, I deem it due to you to
state in brief some of the conclusions&...
Indiana State University Archives
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46INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.By a rule of the Board of Trustees, satisfactory evidence of
twelve months successful experience in teaching, after...
if males,
eighteen. They must possess good moral character and average
intellectual ability. If residents of Indiana, they must promise
to ...
Indiana State University Archives
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STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.19COMPOSITION.I. Nature oj the Subject.—Composition, like orthography, grammar,
etc., is a language subject
i. e., it has language for its subject-matter.
It is distinguished from the other members of the group of studies
called language subjec...
it supposes the pupil to be able to spell
correctly and to know the principles of correct sentence construction.
It begins where they...
(2) by the criti¬
cal examination of models of the different forms
and (3) by con¬
tinued practice in writing under criticism.II. Ends of Discourse. —These are, of course, limited by the nature...
excitation is
a condition of the sensibility
and the form of composition denoted
Xiersuasion seeks to move the will.III. Enlightenment.—1. Definition: The form of discourse that has ...
(b) description
(c) narration
(d) analysis
(e) exem¬
(f) comparison and contrast
(g) exposition.These processes should be accurately defined and discriminated
from one another. After practice has given the ability to constru...
the principles and arrangement in proof and in
refutation. This division of composition work opens to the student
an extensive field for ...
Indiana State University Archives
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ANNUAL REGISTER. * 49language subjects, by the view it takes of language and the ob¬
jects it seeks to accomplish. It has to...
it supposes the pupil
to be able to spell correctly and to know the principles of correct
sentence construction. It begins where they...
(2) by the critical examination of models of the different forms
and (3) by continued practice in writing under criticism.II. ENDS OF DISCOURSE.These are, of course, limited by the nature of mind,&...
excitation is a condition of the sensibility
and the form of com¬
position denoted persuasion seeks to move the will.III. ENLIGHTENMENT.1. Definition : The form of discourse that ...
(b) description
(c) narration
(d) analysis
(e) exem¬
(f) comparison and contrast
(g) exposition.These processes should be accurately defined and discriminated
from one another. After practice has given the ability to con
Indiana State University Archives
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JO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL.TIME REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THE COUESE.The course of instruction can be completed by a student of average
ability, who...
if males, eighteen.
They must possess good moral character and average intellectual
ability. If residents of Indiana, they must promise to te...
Indiana State University Archives
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