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Description: 34THE NORMAL ADVANCEdetermined. At the river, he met Labor Agent,who, in a sneering manner said:You are a pretty fellow. Just because youdid not get the first apple you laid your handson, you are discouraged. If you were made ofthe right stuff you would go back and tryagain.Without heeding these words Average Boywent straight to the Bridge of Entrance Examinations, and having safely crossed, he began to climb the Hill of Discipline. He foundthat by keeping his eye upon the path, after themanner of Conscientiousness, he could walk thestraight and narrow without falling by thewayside.Elated by his speed in climbing the hill, hequickened his pace, passed the livery barn, andleft unheeded the man, who praised his poniesto the skies. Entering the Slough of Latin hefound, to his surprise, that there seemed to bea firm foundation gradually forming under hisfeet.After a time he arrived at the base of Algebra Hill. His heart sank at the thought ofclimbing the hill, but he set resolutely aboutthe task. Much to his amazement he foundthat the hill was not utterly barren, but wascovered with bushes called Problems on whichgrow much Food for Thought. He partookliberally of this fruit as he walked along andfound that it eased his path by one-half.The hill having been passed, he entered theWood of Biology at a rapid pace, and was so interested at the many curious things there foundthat he was at the base on English Precipicebefore he realized it.The afternoon was not far spent, so he tookhis time in climbing the cliff, utilizing his opportunity by gathering many of the Pearls ofThought lodged among the rocks.Not being fatigued on reaching the top, heplunged directly into the River of Examinations and with a few powerful strokes swamacross to the landing opposite the spot wherehe entered. There before him he saw a bagacross his shoulder and started on. Soon hebegan to recognize the land through which hewas passing and at sunset reached his fathershouse.What have you done wdth your last opportunity? asked Proud Parent.I have turned it to best account, answeredAverage Boy, and with those words he pouredfour golden apples upon the table.Next morning as Average Boy startedalong a new path, he looked sorrowfully at thestains on his Reputation.Must I be marked forever for the sins ofmy first weakness? he asked himself. Looking before him he saw a storm approachingrapidly. For a few moments he was completely drenched by the Storm of Forgiveness,but when the tempest was passed he found hisMantle of Reputation to be almost as spotlessas when he first entered the Wilderness ofHigh School. The River of Examinations didnot extend to the new path, so Average Boyhad no obstacle to pass until he reached theHill of Discipline. The hill at this place wasquite as steep as he had found it before, butthe path was wider.Noticing this, Average Boy presumed uponhis liberty, and failed to pay close attention tothe path, with the natural result that he fellin the Spit-Wad Pit. To his surprise he fellon something soft, but he shivered when sawthat he was on a green carpet. Not daring tomove, he looked around him. The place wasdark save for the light of a smouldering fire.While he was thus engaged, came Rebuke,stern and cold. Seizing him by the arm, shehauled him over the coals. After this painfuloperation, he found himself at the base of theLadder of Resolution. With its aid, he againreached the straight and narrow, but hefound that he had another stain upon his Reputation. Mindful of his accident he now paidstrict attention to his walking.The hill being passed at last, Average Boycame again to the Slough of Latin. He foundhanding on a limb of a tree. He placed it that the foundation had risen so high in this
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.