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Showing 1 - 20 of 397 results
Search Results - (( a places hotel...
Showing 1 - 20 of 397 results
This postcard shows people watching a band on the lawn outside of Sargent Hotel.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
The photograph on this postcard shows people on a pier next to The Falcon.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This photograph shows a group of people in front of the first Oakwood Hotel.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This photograph shows people on a pier in front of the Oakwood Hotel on Lake Wawasee.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This photograph shows a group of people on a pier in front of the Oakwood Hotel. This pictures was taken in 1968.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This postcard has a coloful image of people relaxing and sunbathing on the beach of the Oakwood Hotel.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This photograph from 1899 shows a group of people on the porch of the Lake View Hotel.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This postcard has a photograph of people gathered outside of Sargent Hotel on Lake Wawasee.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This postcard is a photograph of people sitting along the shoreline of the Spink Wawasee Hotel.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This photograph shows a group of young people on the beach by the Oakwood Hotel.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
This copy of a black and white photograph shows a group of people at the bathing beach at the Wawasee Inn.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
The New-Denison Hotel, typically refereed to as the Denison Hotel, was located at the intersection of Massachusetts Avenue and Ohio and Pennsylva...
Indiana State Library Photograph Collections
Written on the lower half of this postcard is Yarmoth Wigginton. Mr. Wigginton (1869-1923) was listed in the census as a water ser...
Indiana Album
This is Dale Fathauers typewritten account of the origins of the Mudlavia Hotel in Warren County, collected by Janelle Fathauer. According to...
Indiana State University Folklore Archives
The formal opening of Dr. George E. Dennys new Hillside Hotel took place on June 10, 1924. The main entrance opened into a beautifully&...
River to Rail and Lemen Collection
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
This is an issue of We the People, an annual periodical published by the Indiana Constitution Day Committee.
Indiana State Library Newspaper Collection
This photograph shows a group of people sitting on the porch of the second Vawter Park Hotel.
Helen, Will and Laura Bold are identified on the left.
Syracuse-Wawasee Digital Archives
Written in the upper right corner is Yarmoth Wigginton. Mr. Wigginton (1869-1923) was listed in the census as a water server at Fr...
Indiana Album
Written in the lower left corner is Yarmoth Wigginton. Mr. Wigginton (1869-1923) was listed in the census as a water server at Fre...
Indiana Album