THE ALUMNI DIRECTORY129Williams, Nola E., pa 4 58 S. 19th St.,Terre Haute
1914-1916 teacher of reading, departmental school, Bedford
1917-1918 teacher in training school, TerreHaute
1918-1924 teacher of drawing,McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute
1925-1929 teacher of drawing, WoodrowWilson Junior High School, Terre Haute.Zell-Logan, Mrs. Hilda, pa 726 8th St.,Columbus
taught one year in gradeschool before graduation
1915-1916teacher in East Chicago
1916-1929 notteaching, homekeeper, married in 1916to Alvin E. Logan of the class of 1918:student, summer term. University ofChicago, 1915...
Wisconsin University,1916.CLASS OF 1916Apman-Francis, Mrs. Fay Helen, ha 58S. 18th St., Terre Haute
1919-1921teacher of grades in Terre Haute cityschools
1921-1929 married at home, notteaching.Alexander, Ruth, pa Bloomington
1915-1916 teacher of history in the juniorhigh school, Bedford
1916-1920 teacherof Latin and English in the high schoolat Oolitic
1921-1924 teacher of Latinin the high school at Bloomington
1924-1929 critic teacher in Latin at IndianaUniversity
received A. B. from IndianaUniversity in 1921 and A. M. in 1927.Armstrong-Caffee, Mrs. Lucile, A. B., pa2006 S. Center St., Terre Haute...
1916-1918 teacher in Boys Vocational School,Terre Haute
1918-1922 teacher in GirlsVocational School, Terre Haute
1922-1929 not teaching, homekeeper, marriedto Dr. A. H. Caffee in 1922.Arterburn, William C, ha Plainville
1916-1918 superintendent of schools,Plainville
1918-1920 superintendent ofschools, Fairfield, Washington
1920-1922 superintendent of schools, Hill-yard, Washington
1922-1929 representative of American Heating Company,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Ashcraft, May, ha Robinson
nr.Barnes, Edna, ha Bicknell
nr.Barnes, Easton, Mrs. Emun, ha Roachdale
taught two years before graduationin rural schools in Putnam county andin Roachdale public schools
1916-1918teacher of grades, Muncie
1918-1923teacher in Adams school, Phoenix,Arizona
1923-1926 teacher in TechnicalHigh School, Hammond
1926-1928 married, not teaching
attended Universityof Colorado summers of 1922 and 1923.Barnett, Mrs. Hallie, A. B., ha Charles-town
nr.Barnett, Mabel, ha Hazelton
1916-1917teaching in the high school, Plainville
1917-1918 attended University of Chicago, working on Ph. B.
1918-1920teacher in LaCrosse State Normal School,La Crosse, Wisconsin
1920-1923 at Yose-mite National Park
nr since 1923.Beach, Helen E., ha Wolcottville
1916-1928 teaching domesticscience at Bicknell, Avilla, and Middle-town
received B. S. in home economics,Indiana State Teachers College, TerreHaute, 1928
1929-1930 teacher of homeeconomics, Spencer.Bell, Charles R., pa 304 Hampden Ave.,Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1916-1929 teacher in cityschools of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Bell-Nadzika, Mrs. Lorine, pa 2600 CruftSt., Terre Haute
1917-1918 teacher ofgrades at Blackhawk
1918-1919 teacher of grades in Illinois
1919-1925 teacher of grades, Eliza B. Warren School,Terre Haute
1926-1927 teacher in Dem-ing School, Terre Haute
1927-1929married to Carl Nadzika in fall of 1927
not teaching, homekeeper.Brandon, John D., pa Hazelton
taughtthree rural schools, Jefferson township,Pike county, before graduation
1916-1917 head of history department in thehigh school, Linton
1917-1918 assistantprincipal in the city schools, Springfield,Kentucky
1918-1919 principal of thehigh school, Freedom
1919-1924 superintendent of schools. Shoals
1924-1927principal of sdhools, Hazelton
1927-1929 principal of schools, Richland
attended George Peabody College for teachers, Nashville, Tennessee in 1925.Brown, Evelyn, ha Clay City
nr.Brown, Glen D., A. B., pa Muncie
1909-1911 teacher of grades, Union townshipschools
1911-1914 teacher of grades,Deedsville
1914-1917 teacher of manualarts, West Terre Haute
1917-1929 director of manual arts, vocational director and business director in city schools,Muncie
attended Indiana University, receiving M. A. in 1928.Brown, George J., A. B., 4 N. C. 1914
B. S. 1923
pa R. R. C, Farmersburg
1929-1930 teacher, mechanical drawing,McLean Junior High School, Terre Haute
for complete record see class of 1914.Buck, Doris, A. B., ha Knightstown
nr.Caldwell, Cordelia, ha Advance
191C-1917 departmental work, Jamestown
1917-1918 teacher of mathematics andLatin, Advance
1918-1920 teacher inWilcox, Arizona
1920-1921 teacher ofmathematics in the high school, TerreHaute
1921-1923 not teaching, in Colorado, because of illness
nr since 1923.Caton-Phillips, Mrs. Esther, ha 900 S.10th St., Terre Haute
taught threeyears in township schools in Vigo county,before graduation
1916-1929 married,homekeeper.Carroll, Nadine, ha Cynthiana
nr.Carson, Chester Cecil, A. B., pa MiamiBeach, Florida
1916-1920 superintendentof schools at Sweetser, Redkey ond Pendleton
1920-1922 principal, Peru
1922-1923 holding fellowship, Iowa University
1923-1924 acting head of department ofeducation, Franklin College, Franklin
1927-1929, supervisor instruction in thepublic schools, Miami, Florida.Chappelle, Lena, ha Petersburg
1916-1921 teaching in Indiana
1921-1922 attending Indiana University, receiving A.B.
1922-1924 teaching in Goshen
lr1924.Cline, Charles V., A. B., ha Leavenworth
1916 teaching history and agriculturein the high school at Madison
lr 191C
for complete record see class of 1914.Collins, Jennie, pa Clay City
1916-1918teacher of grades, also head of domesticscience in the high school and grades,also English, Clay City
1918-1924 principal of township high school, Cory