THE NORMAL ADVANCE247species which live away from water most of theyear go to the water in the spring to deposittheir eggs. The class i...
but in the metamorphosisthe legs are developed and the tails absorbed.In the adult of the Bufonidae or toad familyboth jaws are destitute of...
short limbs
a rough, warty skin
and a collection of integumentary glands lying behind thehead, and known as parotids.There are fourteen genera of the Bufonidae,of which we posse...
B. len-. tiginosus fowleri, common in New Englandand New York
and B. lentiginosus American-us, the American toad, found everywhere, bothnorth and south, east of the Rockies. None ofthe other varieties have b...
usually yellow-brown, light or dark in shade, with or withoutpatches and bands of lighter color. A lightvertebral stripe may be present, and ...
the female is much larger.The mature toad is essentially a terrestrialanimal, never entering the water except for abrief time during the mating...
those of one numbered 7,587, of theother 11,545. Comparatively few of these eggsdevelop into mature toads. It is a rule of na-...