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Hay, John assignee of John Stark vs. Samuel Applegate 1809

Description: The file contains two Summons for Samuel Applegate of Jefferson County Kentucky to appear in the Knox County Court of Common Pleas to answer to John Hay, assignee of John Stark, for not paying a mortgage. According to the Summons, Samuel Applegate on August 27, 1808, purchased from John Stark a tract of land on waters of the River Duchis containing 50 acres adjoining lands of John Rice Jones, Robert Asturgus and James Applegate. It being the same land which Samuel Applegate purchased of Robert Johnson to secure the payment of One hundred dollars with lawful interest. The first Summons issued by R[Robert] Buntin, Clerk CPKC; required Applegate to appear in the Knox County Court of Common Pleas on the last Monday of July 1809 to answer as to why the land should not be sold to pay the mortgage. On the verso side, was written, tax paid. John McCandless, D.S. noted not found. The second Summons was also issued by R[Robert] Buntin, Clerk CPKC, and summonsed Applegate to appear at the November Term of court 1809. McCandless, D.S. report he was not found. According to the Minute Book of the Knox County Court of Common Pleas, 1807-1810, pages 201 and 228, during the July Term 1809, the Plaintiff appeared by General W. Johnston, the sheriff reported the Defendant not found and alias Scire facisas was awarded for the next term. At the November Term 1809, the suit was discontinued by order of the Plaintiff and costs paid.
Origin: 2018-05-22
Created By: Indiana Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Leech, George;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Foreclosure -- Indiana Territory -- Vincennes
Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Indiana Territory
Mortgages -- Indiana Territory -- Vincennes
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.