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Robert Johnson vs William Lynn

Description: Court transcript is by Robert Buntin. Robert Johnsons suit against William Lynn was a plea of Covenant Broken and asking twelve hundred dollars in damages. Johnson stated that on October 6, 1790, William Lynn signed a note to have twenty-four hundred weight of merchandisable tobacco at the mouth of the Wabash on or before the first day of December for value received. Johnson reported that Lynn has refused to fulfill his written agreement. A Writ of Capias was allowed by Jonathan Purcell and executed by Henry Cassidy on June 5, 1798. During the August Term, the parties appeared with attorneys. The case was continued to November Term 1798, then continued to February 1799. The defendant was called three times and did not appear, the Plaintiff took the judgement by default. Jurors were choosed to assess the damages for the Plaintiff: John Ockiltree, John Duly, Robert Mays, John N. Seily, Edmond Ritterhouse, Tousaint Dubois, Abraham Barkman, John Welton, William Shannon, Fredrick Bayer, Richard Phealon and Zebulon Houge. They awarded damages of ninety dollars with interest from the first day of December. Damages of ninety Dollars, interest of forty seven dollars twenty-one cents, and court costs of sixteen dollars and sixty-five and a half cents. Totaling one hundred forty-seven dollars and eight-six and a half cents. Also one dollar and twenty cents for the Record and Seal. Signed Roberrt Buntin.
Origin: 2016-09-21
Created By: Northwest Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Gamelin, Pierre; Johnson, James; Purcell, Jonathan;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Northwest, Old
Breach of trust -- Northwest Territory
Court records -- Northwest Territory -- Knox County
Covenants -- Northwest Territory
Judgments -- Northwest Territory
Jurors -- Northwest Territory
Tobacco -- Northwest Territory
Verdicts -- Northwest Territory
Writs -- Northwest Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.