Collection Order

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Labor Day parade going down State Street in Princeton, Indiana, 1926

Description: Eleven men are carrying a striped fabric down State Street. They are all wearing hats with suits or white shirts and ties with no jacket. Behind these men is a row of four men dressed in work uniforms and after them are four rows of men dressed in suits or white shirts and ties. After this group of men is a car followed by a decorated truck. After these two vehicles the painters union members are marching in their white work clothes. There are two people looking out the upstairs window of the Walsh Decorating Co. Other stores that are seen in the photograph are Confectionery, McCulloughs Cafe, shoe shoppe, J. C. Penny, and Peoples American National Bank.The sidewalks were lined with flags and were full of people, men, women and children. The men were dressed in light colored shirts and pants, or suits, and many wear ties and caps or hats. The women were attired in dresses. There is also a man in a wicker wheelchair.
Origin: 2002
Collection: Princeton Public Library
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Parades & processions
Princeton (Ind.) -- Description and travel
Walsh Decorating Co. (Princeton, Ind.)
McCulloughs Cafe (Princeton, Ind.)
J. C. Penny (Princeton, Ind.)
Peoples American National Bank (Princeton, Ind.)
Labor unions -- Indiana

Further information on this record can be found at its source.