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Labor Day Parade 1927

Description: First entry is Allan A. Wilkerson Lumber Co. float with a picket fence around the float. The cab of the truck has a shell over it to resemble a window with the sign on top saying The house of homes. The bed of the truck has a miniature house with a sign across the bed of the truck Build a house first. Behind it are two men in shirts, ties and hats. They are followed by a truck with Greek Bros. Brick Contractors on the side and a miniature house on the bed of the truck with brick half-way up its side. The rest of the truck is decorated with patriotic bunting and flags. It is followed by 2 more trucks with miniature houses with the first one appearing to be by a roofing contractor as the roof is not finished. Behind these 2 floats is a car followed by union men marching in shirts and ties. There are crowds on both sides of State Street along with the American flag at intervals all down the street. You can see the following buildings: Economy Variety Store, Walsh Decorating Co., Purdy Confectionery, McCulloughs Cafe, universal Market Meats, Book Shoe Shoppe, Applegate Jeweler, J. C. Penny, Peoples American National Bank.
Origin: 2002
Collection: Princeton Public Library
Copyright: Copyright Undetermined
Subjects: Allan A. Wilkenson Lumber Co. (Princeton, Ind.)
Parades & processions
Princeton (Ind) -- Photographs
Purdy Confectionery (Princeton, Ind.)
McCulloughs Cafe (Princeton, Ind.)
Universal Market Meats (Princeton, Ind.)
Book Shoe Shoppe (Princeton, Ind.)
J. C. Penny Co. (Princeton, Ind.)
Peoples American National Bank (Princeton, Ind.)
Clothing & dress
Floats (Parades)
Business & Industry
Social Life

Further information on this record can be found at its source.