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84THE NORMAL ADVANCElocal anb AlumniTrainloads of students rushed to variousparts of the state to enjoy the annual turkey,and cranberry sauce. Many industrious onesstaid over. They, too, fared well. One girlreports haAung eaten four Thanksgiving dinners.Miss Anna Cox and Miss Vernon, C. C.senior, went to Chicago for Thanksgiving vacation.William Gross, 14, visited friends in TerreHaute, Nov. 26.Miss Edna Brown spent Thanksgiving inNeAvport.Mr. Fitzgerald visited here Nov. 26.Miss Mabel Marshall spent Thanksgivingwith her brother in Lafayette.Miss Lucy M. Arthur spent Thanksgivingin Indianapolis Avith relatives and friends.Mr. D. H. Carter visited Mr. and Mrs. L. L.Standley Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 28 and29.Prof. Baxter enjoyed the seasons festivitiesin Lafayette.Letha Houchin visited Normal friends Dec.1 and 2.Superintendent BroAvn of Lebanon visitedI. S. N., Dec. 1.Miss Mary M. Howrard ceased studying herfavorite Latin long enough to enjoy Thanks-ghing with her parents near Lafayette.Miss Esther Norris Avent to ThorntoAvn forThanksgiving.Mr. Floyd Carpenter ate Thanksgiving dinner at his home in Plainville.Our librarian, Arthur Cunningham, took anauto trip to his old home in Richmond, Ind.,during Thanksgiving.Whack Wright passed through TerreHaute, Friday, Nov. 27, enroute to Armstrong,111. We wonder if he.was investigating schools.Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Standley went home toPlainville to eat turkey.Miss Olivia Moore went to Greenfield forThanksgiving vacation.Miss Lois Shirley spent Thanksgiving vacation in Washington, Ind., with home folks.Miss Mary Davis, Miss Margaret Brubeckand Mrs. Frank Brubeck spent Thanksgivingin Rockville.Jesse Lord, who is ward principal at Sulli-A^an, Ind., visited in Terre Haute Thanksgiving.Monroe Melton, 11, superintendent ofschools at Potomac, 111., spent Thanksgivingvacation with friends at Terre Haute.Miss Mary Jervis, Miss Nellie Pritsch andMrs. C. E. Sibbitt Avere at home in Sedalia forthe Aveek end, Noa^. 26.Mr. A. E. Logan Adsited Terre Haute during Thanksgiving vacation. It is reported thathe Avas studying architure at 614 North Center.On Saturday, Avhile visiting H. E. Carmichaelat Fairbanks, Ind., a rabbit hunt Avas indulgedin. We rejoice that Mr. Logan made oneAvoodpecker bite the dust. Our famous editor-in-chief distinguished himself by the largeamount of food he consumed and by his expertmarksmanship. He contemplates a trip toEurope for further practice in the latter.Miss Marie Simpson has gone to Bismarck,N. D., to take charge of the library of the StateHistorical Society. Miss Edna Darrow ofJamestown, N. Y., has taken her place in thelibrary.Miss Edith Bailey spent Thanksgiving asguest of Miss Mabel Bonsall at her home inThorntown.Prof. Bogardus entertained his brother-in-laAv, Mr. J. K. Payton, and Avife, of Springfield, 111., during the Thanksghdng holidays.Mr. Payton is one of the Commissioners of |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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