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THE NORMAL ADVANCE85Springfield which is under the commission formof city government. Prof. Bogardus spoke inchapel Friday morning, Dec. 4, on The Socialand Industrial Survey of the City of Springfield made under the Russell Sage Fund as explained to him by Mr. Payton.Miss Ruth Alexander and Miss Irene Ferguson spent Thanksgiving in Bedford.Miss Stillwell visited in Clinton for the weekend, Nov. 26.Miss Lotta Day, teacher of first grade in theNormal Training School, spent Thanksgivingin Muncie visiting her sister, Mary Day.Miss Edith Overpeck entertained her sister,Miss Garnet Overpeck, of Rosedale, Nov. 21and 22.Fire drill, Nov. 23.Miss Alma McCrum visited home friends inHuntington during Thanksgiving.Helen and Louise Cooper spent Thanksgiving in their home in Logansport.Mr. Herman Mattern, a former C. C. junior,who teaches manual training in Evansville, wasvisiting Normal friends, Nov. 21 and 22.Miss Elizabeth CraAvford, principal of theNormal Training School, went to Chicago during Thanksgiving.Mrs. John Eddy, formerly Louise Barbour,C. C, 13, is now living in Santa Cruz, LagunaProvince, P. I.Miss Alice Bullington, 14, who is teachingdepartmental work in Bloomington, Ind., wasin Terre Haute for the week-end, Nov. 14Nola Noland spent Thanksgiving in Anderson.Miss Elise OConnel spent Thanksghdng inBedford.Prof, and Mrs. Arthur Cunningham of SouthCenter street entertained the library force ata six oclock dinner, Saturday, Nov. 21. Thosepresent were the Misses Keating, Marshall,BroAvn and Simpson. Mrs. Alvin M. Higginsof New York City was an out-of-toAvn guest.Miss Charlotte Bertha Schweitzer was inChicago, Nov. 5 to 9, attending a meeting ofthe Central Field Committee of the Y. W. C. A.This committee represents the states of Illinois,Wiscorisin, Michigan and Indiana.The Normal class of the Central Presbyterian Church Avas delightfully entertained bytheir teacher, Mr. Buck, at his home, Fridayevening, Nov. 13. Delicious pumpkin pie, hotchocolate and doughnuts were served. Aboutfifty were present.Miss Hazel Chunn is teaching in the gradesat Centenary, Ind.Miss May Wills spent her Thanksgiving vacation with relatives at Lafayette.Helen Dean, a former I. S. N. student,visited Lena Failing during the Thanksghdngvacation.Miss Margaret Allen, a former I. S. N. student, who is teaching near Sullivan, visitedNormal friends Saturday and Sunday, Nov.21 and 22.On Oct. 24 at Covington, Indiana, HowardA. Kesler, 09, was married to Miss Dora Hax-ton of Newton, Indiana. Mrs. Kesler was formerly an I. S. N. student and has taught threeyears in the Mellott schools. Mr. Kesler, during the past five years, has been connected withthe New Richmond and Wingate schools lastyear he was township superintendent of theschools in Coal Creek township, MontgomeryCounty. This year he is superintendent of theDarlington, Indiana, schools.Miss Estella Thomas spent Thanksgiving ather home in Shelbyville, Indiana.Edna Taggart spent the Thanksgiving vacation with Edna Bell, 13, at Petersburg, Indiana. On Friday she attended the SouthAvset-ern Indiana Teachers Association at Evansville.Miss Helen Davis, 14, is teaching in thegrades at Sulphur Springs, Indiana.Fred Shannon, 14, was married on Thanksgiving Day to Edna Jones, of Brazil, Indiana.Miss Georgia Sigler went home with EdnaBarnard and Emun Barnes to spend herThanksgiving vacation. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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