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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE135and served all who were assembled with sweetmilk and oysterettes.After this fitting repast a rapid passage oftime took place. The kindergarten became aschool. Every one was ushered into the hallwhere seats wrere arranged, and then under theable (?) supervision of Carl Miller, schooltook up. Little Frankie Bogardus provedvery unruly from the first and strenuous measures had to be often resorted to, to keep himquiet. He was only equaled in his mischief byJohnny Eddy and Edwin Hemmer. In factthese unruly miscreants broke up the spellingmatch to such an extent that school was dismissed entirely.The school was now gathered into families,the families into groups and wafers and sweetpickles were served.AA7hen the last wafer had disappeared andthe last pickle had gone the way of all othergood pickles, the gentlemen w7ere ushered intothe association room and were given specialseats. The ladies were then ushered in andwhen everyone was duly and properly seated,slips of paper were distributed to each. It nowbecame the solemn duty of the gentlemen towrite out proposals of marriage to the youngladies, and the girls in turn wrote out their acceptances or refusals.After everybody was either happily matedor unhappily unmated (or mismated) the social committee again intervened and this timeserved salmon salad and wafers.The next stage in life was a stormy one,namely Married Life. The participants inthis storm were given the necessary implementsand were instructed to sew buttons on theirbibs. No one had any difficulty in accomplishing this little stunt, not even the men, the difficulty that did arise, however, was that the mensewed their buttons on the middle of their bibs,where they could do no possible good (exceptperhaps for looks) instead of sewing themwhere they could be buttoned on the wearer.AArell, that just goes to show what the men missin not being able to take sewing lessons. Aftereveryone had finished crying over his stuck finger or thumb, apples and bananas were distributed.The social committee now successfully herdedeveryone into the factulty room once more, butby the time this had been accomplished, old agehad crept in and settled upon the entirebunch. In order that every one might becomforted, Gladys Rippetoe sang SilverThreads Among the Gold, Mr. Bogardus ina voice quavering with age, gave a talk on TheGood Old Days when he was a boy, and MissRippetoe sang as a closing song Long, LongAgo.During this old age stunt the janitor had tobe bribed with refreshments in order that morelight might be had upon the subject. Thisdiplomatic feat accomplished, cake and coffeewere served to the rest of the bunch.Then the lights did go out in earnest withthe usual result.Question—AArho is the College Course socialcommittee chairman ?Answer—Majorie Cuppy.Question—Is she any good ?Answer—Well,I should say so.Question—Is the committee any good?Answer—You bet.No one is so accursed by fateNo one so utterly desolate,But some heart, though unknown,Responds unto his own.—Longfellow.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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