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Description: 186THE NORMAL ADVANCEman, and our guard work could not be excelled.At the end of the first half the score was 34 to6 in our favor.After the first few minutes of play in the second half the game was a monotonous successionof goals for the State school, and at the finalblast of the whistle the score stood State Normal. 82 to 19.Showing wonderful ability and exceptionalteam work, Normal won her fourth consecutivebasket ball game when she won over Butler atIndianapolis on January 17. The Butler fivewas at no time a match for the blue and whiteof the State school, and was outclassed at everystage of the game.AVith the first blast of the whistle the teachers started with a rush, and Unverferthdropped in the first basket soon after the playstarted. The first period was featured by theexcellent team work of our men and the surebasket throwing of our two star forwards, Unverferth and Knauth. The guarding of ourteam was close, and the Butler forwards seemedto be unable to get any free shots at the basket.The Capitol City school waited in vain for theirteam to come back strong in the second half,and the final whistle blew with the score 29 to11, Normal leading. AVhile the work of ourforwards was remarkable, the question of whowas the star of the game would have to beanswered by saying there were five.Preceding this was the less important gamewith DePauw at Greencastle, January 10. Accompanied by a special car of rooters the Normal men had little trouble in taking a victoryfrom the Preachers. DePauw had selected anairdome with a ground floor and low roof as aplace to play and our men were greatly handicapped by these unusual conditions which accounts for the rather close score. The teamwork of our five was not up to the standard andindividual work was poor. Score, 35-31.Our men again downed DePauw in the second game of the season between the two schools.The game was the poorest exhibit of basket ballseen this year by our school. It was an offnight, and Bill and Heinie could not hitthe basket. At one point of the game we weretwelve points behind DePauw, but the fightingspirit of our boys was aroused and they cameback strong, and, showing flashes of form wonthe long end of a 32-26 score. In all it was anarrow escape.Following this came the game with Butleron our home floor. As was expected the AVhiteand Blue won it easily. A large crowd witnessed Normal register a 43 to 33 victory. Thegame was rough with the Normal forwardsworking nicely in the face of strong guarding.Normal guards were not up to their usualstandard which accounts for the somewhatlarge score of Butler. Normal took an earlylead and were never headed. The first halfended 33 to 23. Unverferth tossed in nine fieldand five foul goals, while Knauth scored sevenfrom the field. As usual, Silvers was the Uerofor Butler.Our next game was with Indiana Universityat Bloomington. Here the first defeat of theseason was received. The university teamproved too strong for our men, and at the finaltap of the gong we were left with the short endof an 11 to 26 score. The new floor and thepeculiar system of lighting accounted in greatmeasure for the uneven score, but in all, ourteam was outclassed. The game was rough andthe all night trip following was disastrous toour team. Unverferth was compelled to stayout of school for some time and was unable toplay in the Eastern Illinois game on February12.The game with the Suckers was a series ofragged playing, dashes of clever team work,football tactics, and fist fights. The shifts madenecessary by the illness of Unverferth almostproved disastrous. E. I. S. N.s visiting forwardstarted the rough work and was allowed to continue until he had four personal fouls and wasput out. His team played more carefully, andescaped further penalty. Knauth played bestfor Normal. Chase, the new forward, showedspeed, but did not have the experience to avoidthe guards. Stiffler missed shot after shot thatseemed easy, and the whole team was out of
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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