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nIFirst row: Nila Schramm, Mary Poolitsan, Sandra Zike, Carolyn Don elson, Judy Figg, Janet Martin, Virginia Trumpy, Veralyn Turner,Susie Keck, Sybil Johnson. Second row: Francey Allen, Anita Stapleton, Barbara Crouch, Nancy Reeves, Sarah Cook, Barbara Durnal,Harlyne Hilliker, Jane Hicks. Third row: Irma Gray, Teena Patton, Shirley Noel, Phyllis Rich, Noni Fergusson, Roberta Fox, Kathie Moore,Carroll Sarber, Judy Ross. Fourth row: Betty Strunk, Margie Rash, Diane Abram, Jan Casner, Carol Cason, Ellen Douglas, MarthaBrown, Martha Fultz, June Robertson.Executive CouncilGAAThe Executive Council is composed of the managers of each sportand the GAA officers. The Councilmeets to plan the activities and social events of the club, and to discuss any problems which may arise.The officers are Phyllis Rich,President; Judy Ross, Vice-President; and Jane Hicks, Secretary-Treasurer. Managers include the following: Francey Allen, volleyball;Susie Keck, softball; Carol Cason,badminton and tennis; Roberta Fox,basketball; Sharon Wylie, speedball;Diane Abram, ping pong and decktennis; Nancy Reeves, bowling;Harlyne Hilliker, hockey, and Barbara Crouch, track and archery.Each manager is also in charge ofone social event during the year.01 W F (I51’ - • SI■First row: Diane Abram, Nancy Reeves, Miss Lackey, Sharon Wylie, HarlyneHilliker. Second row: Barbara Crouch, Carol Cason, Francey Allen, SusieKeck, Roberta Fox. Third row: Jane Hicks, Judy Ross, Phyllis Rich.Page forty-two |
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University High School |
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