Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2015

Description: . .■January? ^ fjh196XISherry CarterFounder of Edgewoods NameThey announced they werelooking for a name for the newschool and it was open to allstudents, both schools, andyou would submit names tothem for students to vote on. Igot the name because theschool was going to be on theedge of the township line andit was going to be fairly closeto Flatwoods so I put themtogether and got Edgewood.liana1. Classmates from thegraduating class of 1965 getback together after 50 years.2. Junior Stacy Netheryplays a little backgroundmusic while everyone iseating.3. Everyone lines up to gettheir food at the buffet.4. Alumni from all differentclasses wait for their turn tostand up and be recognized.rdockPrankster of 1988I stole 22 rolls of toiletpaper and 17 door stops.There was an empty lockerbeside mine that I put themall in. Mr. Townsend saidthere would be no more toiletpaper until it was allreturned. I returned them tothe lost and found at the endof the year.5. A woman signs the 50 yearsof graduating excellence bannerwith her name and graduatingclass.6. Everyone eats whilereminiscing about good timesthey had in high school.7. Mrs. Ennis plays a song whileeveryone is arriving.8. The class of 1965 gets apicture with some of thestudents graduating in 2015.9. Mr. Carmichael welcomes allclasses back to Edgewood.Photos taken by Kayla Ratliff and Jenny Boren\49pm>mw*\
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-edgewood/id/7712
Collection: Edgewood High School

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