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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 115

Description: I. Sophomore Chloe Zumbrun works on the buttonmaker part of the art station. During this part, thefourth grade elementary students designed andcolored their own buttons. Zumbrun would thenuse the machine to finish the wearable buttons.II. Junior Audrey Cadag helps the students createtheir own earth friendly invention for the future.Cadag volunteered to help lead the art stationwhere elementary students were asked to design aninvention that was environmentally clean. Most ofthe inventions the children made had to do withtheir own life and experiences. PHOTOS BYSARAH BROWNSTEPS TORWARD THE FUTUREOn April 4th Ga/le Johnsons fourth grade class at Templeton elementary came toSouth for Project Pavegens Outreach program.On April 4, 2017, Mr. Gayle Johnsons fourth-grade class madea special trip from Templeton Elementary School toBloomington South for PAVEGENs third annual outreachprogram, which was created to teach children about renewableand reusable energy. The program consisted of three stationsfor the fourth graders to walk through. Each station focused ona different aspect of PAVEGENs mission: to create sustainableenergy. This is done primarily through the use of PAVEGENtiles that convert peoples steps into electric energy. Thiselementary school outreach program is the groups way tomove toward their goal of creating a more sustainable future.Station one included teaching the fourth graders aboutsustainable energy. One of the high school students whoworked at the sustainable energy station, freshman LaraBreithaupt, taught the kids about reusable sources, renewablesources, solar cars, and wind energy. Breithaupt said shehopes they learned about renewable energy and howimportant it is that we use these renewable sources for thefuture [because] using these renewable sources is essential.Station two was titled Meet the PAVEGEN Tiles. Thiswas an opportunity for the fourth grade students to interactwith the PAVEGEN tiles installed at South. The fourth graderswere asked to use the scientific method to explore how thePAVEGEN tiles work.At station three the fourth grade students were able toimagine an invention that would create a more sustainablefuture for the planet and use art to present their inventions.Junior Barbara Granicz worked at this station along with otherSouth students. She loved getting to work with the kids andseeing how many great ideas they have. Granicz shared thatone kid created a flower that would be a source of solar energyand then you could use that to charge your phone. Graniczadmired the fact that he took all the stuff he does in his lifeand applied what we were doing here.PAVEGENs third annual outreach program was asuccess. The fourth grade students were able to learn aboutPAVEGEN tiles and about sustainable energy. ParticipatingSouth students also enjoyed the experience - teaching thefourth graders about something all of the PAVEGEN membersare passionate about made for a special day for everyoneinvolved.- CLANCY LYLES AND BRITTANY UNDERWOODSHOOTING IN RICHMOND, CALIFORNIA 3/91 POPE FRANCIS DONATES TO THE POOR OF ALEPPO 3/10Academics! 115
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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