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A DAY OFMIRACLESOn April 8, 2017, Bloomington South DanceMarathon hosted its main event: a seven hourmarathon where students came to to play games,hang out and dance with people from all ofBloomington to support the children at RileyChildrens Hospital. During the event, attendeeswere able to meet with Riley kids and hear theirstories. In honor of these kids, everyone at themarathon stood up for the duration of the event.One motto of the marathon is We stand forthose who cant. By not sitting, the participantsof BSDM hope to show respect for the Rileypatients and their families who are not able tomove around comfortably.As well as the main part of the event, whichlasted from 5p.m. to midnight, Dance Marathonhosted Miracle Maker Hours, where studentswho raised over $250 for Riley could come earlyto get one-on-one time to visit Riley kids.Sophomore Jackson Moore explained that themain difference between Miracle Maker Hoursand the regular marathon is the number ofpeople. There are far less people, so you canreally connect and talk with the Riley families.This year the club raised a record breaking$157,508.68 with help from many peoplearound the school and the community. Althoughthis amount is stunning, the meaning behind theSouth students eagerly raised moneyfor Riley Hospital for Children as apart of Bloomington Souths 12thannual Riley Dance Marathon - a 10hour event to raise money andawareness for Riley.event proved even more significant. Manystudents were moved to think about howdifferent their lives could be. Talking to the kidsreally changed the way I look at my own life,everythings so easy for me, freshman KatieFrisbie said.For Freshman Kira Kunzman, the best partof the marathon was watching the kids faces asthey went through the human tunnel created bythe participants at the marathon. Kunzman said,It was very powerful talking to these kids[throughout the night] and hearing their storiesespecially since Ive never experienced [DanceMarathon]. It was nice to see all the kids smilingfaces.Dance Marathon is especially touching forstudents who have a personal connection toRiley. Because my sister is a Riley kid, it reallymakes me look at these kids in a different way,freshman Leo Olavarrieta said. It was amazingseeing how much money we raised.Overall, Dance Marathon is a positive eventfor the community, the students at South, andthe Riley kids and their families. DanceMarathon holds such a special place in my heart,and this year was truly amazing, said SeniorMadison Grabowski, It was all about the kids.-JAMES LUNDELL AND ZOE BERENSZTEINcoCOctLLU>OLU h-H Z<ZDOUorslOScdQ_<On April 9, 2017, a man was dragged kicking and screaming froma United Airlines flight due to the overbooking of the flight. Whennobody volunteered to go on a later flight to make space for fourUnited employees, names were selected at random. When calledupon, the man refused to leave the aircraft and after being draggedout of the plane ran back on the flight before being removed a finaltime. This lead to a very sloppy apology from the CEO of UnitedAirlines, Oscar Munoz, that brought about much criticism for thecompany. Finally, after three attempts, he wrote an apology thatsatisfied the public. Due to this incident, United lost 250 milliondollars. PHOTO COURTESY OF CREATIVE COMMONSI think it was totally The plane should notuncalled for and the have been overfilled, butsituation was over all just the man should havehandled very poorly. cooperatedFRESHMANETHANZALESKIFRESHMANJAMESBOMBA1101 Academics ! THE HERSHEY COMPANY ANNOUNCES PLANS TO CUT 2,700 JOBS I SCIENTISTS FIND 4.3 BILLION YEAR OLD |
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Bloomington High School South |
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