Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2017, Page 109

Description: .A.P.S. TOTHE FUTUREWith the school year coming to a close, many BloomingtonSouth students are beginning to make decisions abouttheir future. To help students prepare for this, the IUMinority Association of Pre-Medical Students, or MAPS,came to South to give a presentation about steps studentscould take to start preparing for pre-med studies.Students who are interested in potentially going intopre-med were encouraged to attend this panther plussession. The presentation focused on many importanttopics including study skills, test taking, time managementand helpful classes to take. All of the topics discussedduring the panther plus session were designed to givestudents tools as they prepare to move on from highschool. One of the students in attendance, junior AbigailSeyer, said, The presentation told me to focus on morespecific things instead of [general] topics. One of thehelpful tips that Seyer took out of the presentation was theimportance of being involved now in order to be betterprepared for the future. Seyer said she was planning onbeing more focused on college visits and summer groupsin order to help her achieve her goal of becoming apediatrician or general surgeon.Many of the students who attended have alsoparticipated in Project Lead the Way classes. Project LeadSouth Project Lead the Way studentshad the opportunity to listen topeople from the IU MAPS programgive a presentation about preparingfor the future.the Ways mission is to engage, inspire and empowerstudents through hands-on learning. South offers PLTWsprinciples of biomedical studies, human body systems,medical interventions, and biomedical innovations tostudents. Sophomore Olivia Schmitt-Metz has been inseveral PLTW classes. Schmitt-Metz has always beeninterested in the medical field and [she] think its cool that[they] have classes at South that are different and standout.Sophomore Claire Slotegraaf, who is also in PLTWclasses and attended the presentation, said Its nice tohave classes that really focus on the medical side ofscience, I feel like it really helps to prepare me for thefuture.Between presentations, extra science classes, andenrichment, South students have many opportunities todiscover the career path that is right for them. Thesehelpful tools presented by MAPS help students make thetransition from high school to college with ease. The MAPSpresentation helped students interested in medical fieldstake the necessary steps towards becoming future nurses,doctors, or even surgeons and laid the foundation forSouth students to succeed in these fields.- CLANCY LYLES AND EMILY BROWN9f > i^2 o U a:^Oz^Earlier this week, scientists discovered afootprint belonging to a sauropod dinosaurthat now holds the record for the largestdinosaur in the world. This footprint wasfound in a region of northwestern Australiaknown as Australias Jurassic Park. Thefootprint is over 5 and a half feet long. PHOTOCOURTESY OF CREATIVE COMMONSIts crazy that its still around. I cant believe it, its bigger thanIts really hard to think about me! I can hardly imagineanimals being preserved for that something having such a biglong. footprint.FRESHMANFINNIAN LYONSOPHOMOREGIOVANNI ALICEADAYTONA 500 2/261SPACEX PLANS TO TAKE TWO SPACE TOURISTS ON AN ORBIT OF THE MOON IN 2018 2/271 Academics 1109
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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