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SCILas VegasBrBfBB3|WTSfST||7^MAs you emerged from a tangled mass of sweat-drenched bodies and stepped to the outskirts ofthe dance floor, it was difficult to imagine what ahomecoming dance might have been like severaldecades ago. Even though the dresses were considerably shorter and the security was noticeablyheightened, the tradition of homecoming hasremained timeless throughout the ages. Wheretodays girl in three-inch stilettos gyrated on thedance floor, a girl with teased platinum hair oncedid the Electric Slide. Although the culture, style,and music has changed over the years, homecoming still gave Bloomington South studentsa chance to come together and celebrate theirschool spirit.Homecoming was traditionally a chance forvisiting alumni to take pride in the school theyonce attended. It then evolved into a chancefor current students to create memories that willnever be forgotten, in such forms as the homecoming game and dance. Fridays victoriousHomecoming game was followed by the highlyanticipated dance the next evening. To the dismay of some, there was an increase of securityand lighting at the dance. The security was definitely more intense than last year, said sophomore Courtney Crider. Yet the presence ofsecurity officers didnt stop South students fromdancing well into the night.Everyone was in this huge group; I like tocall it the grinding pit. I saw people comingout of it drenched in sweat, freshman JesseSmith said.While the style of dancing had changed overthe years, so did much of the music. This yearsdance featured a mix of techno and hip-hop.While some enjoyed the non-traditional mixes,others wished for more variety. The musicwasnt really my type. I wish there was more of avariety, Smith said.Changes in society throughout the ages haveresulted in homecoming undergoing alterationsin culture and music. The dance moves mayhave needed censoring and the dresses couldhave used a few extra inches in length, butSouth students were given an opportunity thatcannot be tarnished by todays society; a chanceto come together and celebrate the school thatthey took pride in. -ELIZA WILLIAMS110 | STUDENT LIFE | homecoming |
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Bloomington High School South |
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