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Busy BeesThree students at Bloomington South share their busy lives.Caleb Rachel SamanthaBaechtoldHoffmanMorrisonA day in the fife of Bloomington Southbaseball player freshman CalebBaechtold was always eventful. I always try to prioritize and put my schoolwork first, said Baechtold. But sometimes it is just too much and I have totake a breather.Baechtolds typical days consisted ofschool, friends, travel baseball, classicalguitar lessons at Indiana University, alengthy workout routine, video gamesand family. It was a wonder how hesurvived such a hectic schedule. He explained how Souths Panther Plannerand his familys system of organizationthrough a family calendar was hissaving grace.Although his life was busy, Baechtoldwould not change a minute of it. Being bored isnt my thing. -STEPHANIEKESELICHThe top ten most timeconsuming activitiesfor South students.1.Homework2.Sports3.Work4.Chores5.Family Activities6.Running Errands7.Pet Care8.Shopping9.Baby-sitting1C>. Churchn 150 student surveys.This year, sophomore RachelHoffman had a schedule that couldbaffle even the busiest of students. Between her HD classes and other Southactivities such as poms, Student Council, Sounds of South, Dance Marathon,Sophomore Advisory Board and track,Hoffman still kept herself occupiedwith piano lessons, voice lessons, ballet, modern dance class, pilates, volunteer work, church, caring for her twodogs and baby-sitting her sisters.In order to stay organized, Hoffmanmade lists of everything she needed todo. It calms me down to know I havea plan, she said.Although this lifestyle could be demanding, Hoffman thrived on it. Icant have a moment when Im notbusy, she said. If I have a momentto rest, I feel unproductive. -RACHELJOSEPHJunior Samantha Morrisonkept busy over the 2008-2009 year atBloomington South. Morrison was anoutstanding athlete: she started for theGirls varsity soccer team and ran trackat South. She also played club soccerand practiced Taekwondo. Betweenall of these sports, Morrison still foundtime for her HD classes and acted asa taxi cab for her friends, sophomore Elizabeth Maier and juniorStephanie Albrecht.Morrisons busy schedule also included her religious fife. She sponsored herfriend, sophomore Kiley Labis, withher confirmation to St. Charles CatholicChurch this year, which kept her busy.When she was not helping friends,doing chores and homework, playingsports, or being involved in her church,Morrison enjoyed listening to music,going online, and hanging out withfriends. -RACHELJOSEPHTop Far Left: JuniorSamantha Morrison helpsthe South girls soccerteam out by carrying thebag of balls, cones andpennies after practice.PHOTO BY MCKENZIE LUEKENBottom Far Left: Freshman Caleb Baechtoldjuggles baseball andguitar in addition to otheractivities. PHOTO BY PAULBAECHTOLDLeft: During Poms practice, sophomore RachelHoffman learns a danceroutine for an upcomingfootball game, photo byMARCO REGOUbalancing act | ACTIVITIES | 81M |
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Bloomington High School South |
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