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Master MultitaskersStudents share how they manage school, clubs, work, sports, volunteering, jobs, friends, and family.Why do youkeep yourselfbusy?It keepsme motivatedand in line soIm not sidetracked.1MackenzieLloydFrankly,Im too busyto answer thisquestion.JohnSengelaubBecauseI like to swimand hang outwith friends.—sophomoreNicholasFa jar doItsportant toave commit-ents and tobe passionate —sophomoreabout them. MiriamKerler[Iminvolvedwith] band,and clubsafter school.So Imnot bored.If there could be more hours in aday, senior Hayley Schillingwould have gladly taken them. ForSchilling, every hour mattered. Schilling put most hours of her day intoBloomington South activities, andother extracurricular programs, including those at Indiana University.Schilling was close to being finishedwith her high school career. With almost four complete years at South,she explained how the work loadvaried. Senior year has definitelyproven to be more hectic and busythan any other year, explained Schilling, not only am I trying to concentrate on finishing this year strong, butcollege and filling out applicationsis now also part of my main focus.Schilling explained what a typicalday would look like for her. She arrived at South for her three AP classes:literature and composition, microeconomics, and calculus. Then, after thirdperiod, she hopped into her car andwent over to the IU campus for her intermediate-level Italian class. Depending on the day of the week, Schilling tutored for pre-calculus or Italian, went tomeetings involving Science Olympiad,Italian Club, National Honor Society,Diversity Club, or worked on writingI take each dayas it comes...-seniorHayley Schillingher column for the The Herald Times.Sometimes being so busy does getstressful, said Schilling, but it is whatI do, and I enjoy every single activityI am involved with. For some people,this hectic schedule could become toomuch, but not for Schilling. I takeeach day as it comes, and my familyis my support system. I call my mommy human calendar. She always knowswhat my schedule is for the day.In escaping the frantic daily schedulesof her week, Schilling explained howshe made time for relaxation. WhenI do have down time, it is usually onthe weekends. I catch up on sleep,read, watch television, listen to music,and hang out with my friends and mybrother. Many teens enjoyed havingdown time. Nevertheless, it was a luxury Schilling couldnt always enjoy.Sometimes I do not even have timeto relax during the weekend, she said.Although she was not always ableto relax, Schilling did not regrether involvement. Being busy is myway of giving back to the community, stated Schilling, and it seemedlike she would not have wanted itany other way.-MADELINE HAYFORD80 | ACTIVITIES | balancing act |
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Bloomington High School South |
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