Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 128

Description: CheerleadersBUILDSPIRITby Andrew Remak During Fall and Winter Sports perfect practiceDuring the summer, thefreshman squad practiced sixhours a day, five days a week fortwo weeks. During practice theywould do pushups, run andperform cheers.The practices during thesummer were extremely toughand tiring ... but it paid off for usduring the season because wewere in better shape, freshmanJessica Webb said.^^^^^^^soloseniorThe lone senior on the wintervarsity squad was StephanieCrane.It was a great honor [to be aleader], but I was disappointedthat I was going to be one of theonly seniors, and my friends didntmake it. But I got along with theyounger girls, and I think we reallyimproved, Crane said. summer learningThe freshman, JV and varsitysquads attended the UnitedCheerleaders Association campheld on the Indiana Universitycampus in August.Cheerleading camp was agood experience because welearned a lot of new cheers, and Igot to know the new girls a lotbetter, sophomore Aimee Blunksaid.raising spiritsThe cheerleaders hosted a pepsession in Indianapolis before theState football game in addition tocheering on the sidelines.It was really neat with all thepeople there. We performed betterwith the crowd because they werereally into the game. And a lot ofpeople showed up for the pepsession at the Pan Am Plaza toshow their spirit, junior CrystalTyree said. national novicesFour of the varsity cheerleaderscompeted in the nationaltournament in Disney World,where they placed 10th. The teamconsisted of freshmen MandyMiller and Griffin Goldin andjuniors Crystal Tryee and EmilyPate.It was really fun; we got to seea lot of different groups perform,and they were really good. Welearned a lot from watching theother groups. It was really nerve-racking for us because there was alot of pressure, and we didnt havevery many supporters, Goldinsaid.PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNIFER MYERSPHOTO COURTESY OF JENNIFER MYERSPHOTO COURTESYOF JENNIFER MYERSVarsityJunior VarsityFreshmanFront Row: Mandy Miller, Stephanie Crane. Second Row: EricaUlrey, Emily Pate, Sacha Neu.Third Row; Brooke Langley, CrystalTyree, Stevie Kinser. Kathleen Marvin. Back Row: Julie Park.Griffin Goldin. Kim Smith. Gretchen Smith, Kacie Kinser.Spread Design bysportsJordan Gamer and Anshu KalhanFront Row: Aimee Blunk. Whitney Hanna. Abra Merriman. SecondRow: Kristin Jones. Lindsay Heisler, Allie Davis. Randi Cline. ThirdRow: Kim Carson (winter varsity). Back Row: Lindsay Carter.Heather Campbell. Stephanie Woodard. Ashley Fuller.Front Row: Christi Cassidy. Nicole Haag. Allison Fry. Back Row:Meredith Holmes. Sarah Smith. Jessica Webb. Kristen Noll.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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