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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 55

Description: Junior Bryce Vilchuckconcentrates as he lifts 40 poundsin each hand during weightliftingclass. Weightlifting challengesstudents to increase theirstrength and improve theirathletic performance.JUSTIN BANh^jJUSTIN BANKSWaiting for the ball to come theirway, sophomore Brooke Shieldsand freshmen Nicole Haag andLyndsey Jones play tennis duringgym class. Tennis was just oneof the required sports for girls PEclass.During Mr. Greer Werners sixthperiod gym, freshman ChadHarris was called safe byclassmate freshman Chris Elliott.Baseball was one of the requiredunits for freshman boys PE.wLMvOlOfrom AtoZJUSTIN BANKSW131TeachersMrs. Mary Beth Hannah-Hansen and Mrs.Phyllis Clapacs, EnglishScheduleTraditionalWhy is it important that the college course isoffered in high school?Because some students are ready tomove ahead, and it offers skills that canbe used in other college courses, Clapacssaid.Why did you decide to take the college creditclass in high school?Because I didnt want to take it incollege. I talked to some students at IU,seniors, who havent been able to get intothe class yet, senior Eric Katz said.Weight LiftingTeachersMr. Larry Williams and Mr. MoMoriarity, physical educationScheduleTraditional and BlockDo you think it is important to offer weighttraining classes in school?I think weight training is importantbecause to me if we are going to offerphysical education classes, then I think weneed to. It is something you can learn anduse the rest of your life. I think it is one ofthe most important classes offered in ourphysical education curriculum, Moriaritysaid.Why did you take weight lifting?Because its an easy class, to keep inshape and its an easy credit, seniorMichael Sexton said.Wind Ensemble 1-2TeacherMr. Robert Dubinski, fine artsScheduleTraditionalHow has this class improved over the year?Its made a tremendous progressconsidering we have grades nine through12 represented. We are able to play somedifficult music, Dubinski saidWhy did you decide to take a music class?I love to play music. It is somethingfun in the day. You dont have to work.You dont have any homework,sophomore Maria Hanson said.Softball because it was more of a teamsport. And since I already played on thesoftball team, it gave me a chance toapply what I already know.freshman Maralee MuscatoI dont have a favorite activitybecause I feel gym is an unimportantclass and should not be mandatory.The class serves no real purpose.senior John GuyAthletic Potentialtrial & errorPE Classes0
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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