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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 54

Description: ATHLETIC POTENTIALStudents take PE classes to improve performanceAs a memberof the statechampionshipfootball team and apole vaulter on thetrack team, juniorPhil Wozniak doeseverything he canto stay fit. Andbecause the schooloffers manydiverse classes,Wozniak is able tokeep himself in shape by takingweightlifting class.Physical education classeswere popular for many students.Often athletes took classes such asweightlifting to help themimprove.Coach Moriarity recommendsit for all football players, and ithelps you get stronger, Wozniaksaid.Sophomore Susan Hall alsotook weightlifting to help her withher athletics. I decided to take theclass so I could become strongerfor soccer, Hall said.Although it was a male-dominated class, she still found itto be enjoyable.It was intimidating becausethe guys could lift a lot more thanI could, but there were other girlsin the class, so I worked with theminstead of the guys, Hall said.Wozniak and Hall both feltthey greatly benefited from theclass.It definitely helped withIt helped mebecomestronger, and itmotivated meto continueweight lifting.sophomoreSusan Hallby Chris Carterfootball, and it alsohelped that I tookit during footballseason. Ive gottenfaster and stronger,which has helpedmy pole vaulting,Wozniak said.It helped me tobecome physicallystronger, and itmotivated me tocontinue toweightlift, Hall said.Other classes in the physicaleducation department were basicPE, which is required, advancedPE and the new course, personalfitness.In the beginning of the year,personal fitness was required forstudents graduating in 2000 and2001, but in January it was takenoff the list of required courses.I took it because it wasrequired, even though it isntanymore. Standard procedure wasto sit down, listen to Mr. Wernertalk about staying in shape andthen we would have time to goplay basketball or walk around thetrack, sophomore Todd Masonsaid.In a student body where manystudents participate in athletics, itis beneficial for them to take PEcourses. These classes givestudents a chance to improvephysically and also allows them todisplay their talents.During sixth periodweightlifing class, seniorJoey Mackey spots whilesenior Tom Tresslarbench presses.Weightlifting was apopular elective offerred.Sophomore AnnaBrinegar serves the ballwhile playing tennis inMs. Debbie Branumssixth period PE class.Students in gym wereallowed to takeadvantage of the niceweather and go outside.JUSTIN BANKSWhat was yourfavorite activity ingym class?FootPall Pecause I used to playfootPall and it is just a fun sport.sophomore Chris BomgardnerBasketPall Pecause it has Peen myhoPby since I was a little kid.sophomore David Beyers.f)Spread Design byacademicsLauren Humes
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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