Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1999, Page 56

Description: AVERYTHATCHERAVERYTHATCHERDisplaying his cheerleading abilities, senior Nate Hull does a toe touch during apep rally before the homecoming gameagainst Martinsville. Some of the footballplayers dressed up as cheerleaders andhad a toe touch contest as one of the manyfestivities at the pep rally.Waiting for the bus after school, students relax and talkoutside the atrium. The area outside the atrium provideda place for students to gather before and after school andwas also a place to eat lunch during warm weather.JUSTIN BANKSaCrowding around the stage students cheeron the band Suck It duringSouthapalooza. Junior Advisory Boardheld Southapalooza for the third year in arow showcasing four student bands.Spread Design bydivisionAmanda Ritchie and Alison VanDerWegeTalking with friends, students wait for thebus after school outside the atrium. Due tothe limited amount of parking spaces,parking permits were issued to seniorsand juniors first forcing many underclassmen to ride the bus or catch a ride toschool.
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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