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Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 2001, Page 110

Description: AndrewRemakSlides HomeWith victorious season and hard-earnedSectional ChampionshipWith solid pitching, hittingand coaching, the Pantherswere one win away frombreaking the school record ofwins in one season, 21. Nineschool records were broken thisseason by senior LaurenBurch, juniors CourtneyLadyman, Rebecca Florenceand Lauren Devich andsophomore Cadee Higgins.It was neat to see yourname on the list of schoolrecords. I think it shows howtough our team really was,junior Courtney Ladyman said.Inside jokes were big on thisteam, and the players sharedone with their coach, JodyDuncan. Coach Duncan talkedabout her dogs a few times, andthe girls would bring her dogrelated gifts and say, Webrought you this because weknow you like dogs. AlthoughDuncan accepted the gifts, shewas confused on why the girlsthought it was so funny.It was something thatstarted off just kind of stupid,but turned out to be a joke thatthe whole team laughed at,junior Kim Valenta said.ihowdowinThe team faced Terre HauteNorth twice during the season.In the first meeting, they werenearly ten runs down, butbattled back to score five runsin the sixth. The second meetingcame in the first round ofSectional when junior RebeccaFlorence hit two home runs tolift the Panthers over thePatriots, 6-2.I was lucky that my two-homerun game came in thebiggest game of the season. Wereally needed a lift and I wasglad I could help out the team,junior Rebecca Florence said.handoutsJunior pitcher LaurenDevich was the Panthers acefor the third straight year.While pitching in the vastmajority of the games, Devichset a single season record forstrikeouts with 150. Devich alsoset a record for most hits in aseason with 46.I did not think about whatI was doing too much. I justwent out there and pitched ashard as I could and hoped I gotgood support, junior LaurenDevich said.NHColumbus East: 6-1 WColumbus East: 4-3 LEdgewood: 7-0 WShakamak: 4-2 LNorthview: 9-0 WMooresville: 8-7 LMooresville: 7-3 WBNL: 14-4 WColumbus North: 6-3 WBloomington North: 5-1 WMonrovia: 5-2 WWhiteland: 4-2 LMartinsville: 2-0 LSeymour: 5-1 WCharleston: 5-0 WJeffersonville: 7-1 W20-11Perry Meridian: 6-3 LMitchell: 9-4 WAvon: 2-0 LAvon: 4-2 WSouthport: 2-1 LTerre Haute North: 9-5 LPike: 2-0 WLawrence Central; 2-0 WCenter Grove: 7-1 LFranklin Central: 8-3 LTerre Haute South: 1-0 WSectional: Terre Haute North: 6-2 WSectional: Northview: 9-0 WSectional: Terre Haute South: 3-0 WRegional: Floyd Central: 6-3 L..Joe BercoviciWaiting for the ball toarrive, sophomore MeganParmenter focuses ongetting the runner out atfirst. Parmenter was apowerful hitter anddefender for the team.Gothic :: Sp°<a>
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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