Bloomington High School South, The Gothic, 1990, Page 60

Description: Wind Ensemble bonds togetherfor successThe sounds coming fromthe band room were different last year. Perhaps theflutes and clarinets blendedtheir tones more smoothly,or the rhythm of the trombones was even steadier thanin previous years, or maybe itwas the fluid interpretationof the music. Whatever thereason, conductor RobertDubinski was convinced thatSouths wind ensemble islearning to play better everyyear.The wind ensemble started off its year with a jointconcert with North, calledMusic In Our Schools.The guest conductor was Indiana Universitys StephenPratt. Then several studentsmade it to the State Solo andEnsemble Contest. The finalconcert was the spring concert, in which the wind ensemble played the threepieces that had broughtthem success at their competition.March Lamar, by CliffWilliams; Second Prelude,by George Gershwin; andFallen, Fallen is Babylon,by Jared Spears were playedat the Music Festival inGurney, Illinois. With thesepieces, the wind ensemble received a rating of excellent.Students felt that this contestwas one of the best parts ofthe wind ensemble. A senseof bonding develops whenyoure all working for thesame goal, explained seniorJuli Elkins.Dubinski said that he feltvery proud of the progressthe wind ensemble has madeover the years. The kids areenjoying themselves whiletheyre improving, he added.Wind ensemble playersagreed with this point ofview. It has helped me tomature, Elkins said.It helps you develop responsibility and discipline,added senior Kim Murphy.Even though the wind ensemble made a lot of progress last year, Dubinski stillsees more to do in followingyears. Im looking forwardto next year, and the yearafter that, and the year afterthat ...Sheila Sepanski keeps a watchfuleye on the director during a rehearsal.60
Collection: Bloomington High School South

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